4 simple steps for safe driving in rain and wind

Rajpal Bhullar
3 min readOct 22, 2019


safe driving in rain and wind
Rain and Car Driving

Safety is always the main concern when driving. With these tips, you can run less risk under these driving conditions far from ideal.

1. Learn the road, know your vehicle

• Before leaving, know your vehicle. Familiarize yourself with the position and operation of its controls.

• Plan your route to avoid small roads. Then memorize it so as not to be distracted by looking at the panels or a map.

• Set your radio to find traffic information.

• The essential rules in case of bad weather of all kinds are to limit your speed and keep your distance.

• Ask yourself if your trip is really necessary. Never drive in extreme weather conditions if you do not have to.

2. Do you have a roadside emergency kit?

Prepare your vehicle by making sure you have everything you need in an emergency, including:

• De-icer

• A scraper

• A cell phone

• A flashlight

• towing cables

• Jump cables

• A jack and a spare wheel

• A shovel

• A warning triangle

• A canvas bag to put under wheels blocked

• Spare clothes

• Coverage

• A hot drink in a thermos

• In case of heavy snowfall, you may need chains.

3. Stay safe in high winds

• Wind assaults can swing a car and make driving difficult, not to mention that the wind can send branches of trees and other debris on your way.

• Keep your eyes wide open and watch for potential hazards.

• Grip the steering wheel firmly with both hands, especially if you pass another vehicle.

• Be especially careful with caravans and bikes, which can get out of the way by moving air.

4. Keep your senses alert in case of heavy rain

• Leave double braking distance between the other cars and yourself and test your brakes. Lightly depress the brake pedal from time to time, rubbing will help keep them dry.

• Drive with your low beam to reduce glare, and put your wipers in fast mode.

• When you can not see more than 100 meters (320 feet), use your headlights.

• If you are aquaplaning, do not brake. Release the accelerator to slow down gradually. Hold the steering wheel well and get ready: when the tires regain traction, they could lurch the car.

• Never enter stagnant water that is too deep for your car. Cross shallow water at a slow and steady speed, climbing the towers with a slow speed.

• After crossing a puddle, test your brakes right after or as soon as you can safely do it.

• If you can not find the depth of a puddle, do not go there.

If you take the road in adverse weather conditions, always have safety before punctuality. Better to arrive late and in one piece than to take unnecessary risks.

At Fine Skills Driving school we train our students that how to drive in extreme weather. When students attend driving lesson in sherwood park,our instructors equipped them with all the skills which are needed on road,so that they can safe their and other’s people lives. Its very nesseccary that you get proper driving training before you get on road.Fine Skills Driving school offers best driving lesson in beaumont.



Rajpal Bhullar

I am Rajpal Bhullar from Canada. I am Currently running a driving school named as Fine Skills Driving in Edmonton. https://www.fineskillsdriving.ca/