ShareChat Interview Experience-2022(SDE-1)

Rajendra Prajapat
3 min readFeb 24, 2022


Hello Everyone

Last month was amazing for me. I received calls from more than thirty companies’ HR and interviewed for about ten product-based start-ups and companies, including Amazon, Sharechat, Make My Trip, and Newgera. I will write another post about how I received this response.

I received offers from Sharechat and Make My Trip on 20 January 2022. During that time, I was in the final round of Amazon, but I accepted the Sharechat offer instead.

I applied for the SDE-1 Backend role at Sharechat via email and LinkedIn in November 2021. On December 27, 2021, HR sent me an email with a HackerEarth Coding assessment link.

Preliminary Round: Online Coding Assessment

It was an online coding test with three DSA questions. I was able to solve all three in time. For three questions, the distribution of scores was 20–50–100, which means one was easy, one medium, and one difficult.

Two days later, I received an email from HR saying that I cleared coding round and shortlisted for Onsite-Interview process.

Email was something like this: You have been shortlisted for the interview process with us at ShareChatRound1:DSA roundRound2:Final round with HM (Low level Design+Techno-managerial discussion)

Virtual Onsite 1 — Coding Round

I scheduled this round(DSA) for January 4, 2022. This was conducted on Google Hangouts. It was a One-hour coding round.

2 LeetCode medium problem. One was related to tree traversal and another was related to two pointers with binary search.

Although I struggled with constraints in the second problem, I was able to solve it at the end. My interviewer was very helpful and gave hints.

Result: HR called me on the same day to confirm date & time for the HM interview round.

Virtual Onsite 2— Hiring Manager Round

I really enjoyed this interview. The interviewer was very helpful. It was supposed to be an LLD round but It was a mix of HLD(High-level design) concepts, DBMS concepts, and My projects.

These are the some of the questions I was asked, and I remember:)

  1. About my projects
  2. CS Fundamentals for example Multi-threading, Concurrency, Mutex, Deadlock(how to implement), MongoDB, MySQL, ACID, CAP


The interviewer was more interested in understanding the way I think than the concepts I know. I also received excellent feedback from the interviewer at the end of the interview regarding how I could improve my skills.

Result: The next day, HR called to tell me that I had cleared the process.

My learnings which can help you in your next interview

  1. Practice mock interviews on PRAMP.
  2. Complete this LeetCode card before interview: Coding interview Strategy
  3. Always be confident and have a smile on your face even if you are not prepared for the interview.
  4. Show your interest in the company and the required tech stack for the role.
  5. Solve LeetCode or GFG problems

I hope my interview experience help you for your future interviews.

All the best ❤



Rajendra Prajapat

SDE@Sharechat | Competitive Programmer | MERN Stack Developer| Interested in Computer Networks, CyberSecurity, and Machine Learning field