How I Hack my Body As a Developer #Nootropics #FocusSupreme

Miha Rajšter
9 min readJul 15, 2024


In a world that never stops, mastering your cognition can feel like a superpower. Whether you’re a developer, entrepreneur, or just someone striving to maximize their potential, understanding the core elements of productivity is essential. This guide will walk you through the basics of sleep, recreation, meditation, and diet, before diving into the powerful world of nootropics. We’ll also explore practical tips for boosting your IQ and maintaining an environment conducive to success. Ready to unlock your peak performance? Let’s dive in!


Or “Is that article for me” part.

  • Sleep: Discover your ideal sleep cycle and explore techniques like the “soldier sleeping technique” for optimal rest and mental sharpness.
  • Recreation: Prioritize daily exercise, using heart rate zones to boost cardiovascular health and endurance effectively.
  • Meditation: Enhance focus and clarity through mindfulness, with tools like Headspace to guide your practice.
  • Diet: Embrace a balanced diet, possibly integrating a ketogenic approach, to maintain stable energy levels and minimize blood sugar fluctuations.
  • Nootropics: Investigate cognitive enhancers like Lion’s Mane, Omega-3, and creatine, while considering overall health through proper hydration and kidney support.
  • Cognitive Enhancement: Engage with brain-training platforms like Lumosity and monitor progress with IQ tests.
  • Environment and Tools: Create a minimalist workspace and utilize digital tools for efficient task management and continuous learning.
  • Innovative Techniques: Experiment with advanced methods like pure oxygen tanks and red light therapy to elevate mental performance.

Don’t be a nano brain and don’t stop here, you will miss about 60% of crucial information, but fear not. I’ve AI read this article for you (but if you want the latest version — written one is the latest one).

The Basics: Setting the Foundation

To truly maximize productivity, you must first establish a solid foundation. This involves optimizing your sleep, engaging in regular physical activity, practicing meditation, and maintaining a balanced diet. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in enhancing your cognitive abilities and overall well-being. Here’s how to get started:


Experimenting with sleep is crucial to discovering your optimal balance between productivity and restfulness. For some, like myself, 4 hours of sleep might be optimal for speed. However, for best cognitive performance and a well-rested mind, sleep until you feel naturally refreshed and focused.

// I have seen a video where a well-known CEO talks about people not getting enough sleep. His takeaway was:
// A not rested individual = a drunk individual.
// Do you want a drunk person to work for you?
// This is a placeholder until I find this video.

To maximize sleep benefits:

  1. Sunlight Exposure: Go out into the sunshine upon waking to activate your hormonal clock.
  2. Caffeine Management: Avoid stimulants like caffeine, theine and guarana >7 hours before bed.
  3. Consistent Schedule: Establish a consistent sleep routine, going to bed and waking up at the same time daily.
  4. Comfortable Sleep Environment: Ensure your mattress and pillows are comfortable and supportive. Additionally, keep your bedroom cool to promote better sleep quality is very important.
    If it turns out, that you need cold to sleep (like me) and you are not there financially to buy Eight Sleep Pod 4 that will cool your butt or too cheap to run AC at full blast all night long..
    Research into Japanese traditional bad.

Dark mode and what kind of light you get before you sleep turned out to be largely a myth.

If you can’t sleep, try small amounts of Melatonin or soldier sleeping technique. Avoide sleeping pills since you will most likely not achieve 1.5h of deep sleep and 2hs of REM needed.

The soldier sleeping technique is a method used to fall asleep quickly, often employed by military personnel who need to get rest under challenging conditions. To use this technique, lie down flat on your back with your arms relaxed at your sides. Begin by consciously relaxing your face muscles, including your tongue, jaw, and the muscles around your eyes. Gradually work down your body, releasing tension from your shoulders, arms, chest, legs, and feet. Once your body is completely relaxed, clear your mind by visualizing a peaceful scene or repeating a calming phrase. With practice, this technique can help you fall asleep within minutes, regardless of the environment.


Dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to activities that get your heart pumping. Understanding your heart rate zones can help optimize your workouts.

Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Zone 1: Very Light (50–60% of maximum heart rate)
  • Best For: Warm-ups, cool-downs, and recovery.
  • Benefits: Improves overall heart health and helps in active recovery.

2. Zone 2: Light (60–70% of maximum heart rate)

  • Best For: Endurance training.
  • Benefits: Enhances fat burning, aerobic capacity, and overall endurance.

3. Zone 3: Moderate (70–80% of maximum heart rate)

  • Best For: Aerobic fitness.
  • Benefits: Improves cardiovascular and respiratory efficiency.

4. Zone 4: Hard (80–90% of maximum heart rate)

  • Best For: High-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • Benefits: Increases anaerobic capacity and endurance.

5. Zone 5: Maximum (90–100% of maximum heart rate)

  • Best For: Maximum effort sprints.
  • Benefits: Develops speed and power.

To calculate your maximum heart rate, use the formula: 220 — your age. Then, apply the percentages above to find your target zones.

You can get a very good heart rate monitor from Aliexpress for about $22. And chest heart rate monitors are considered to be the best. It should also connect with your Samsung Health.

Magene H303–22.07€


Mindfulness meditation is about process management.

Imagine observing horses in a meadow — focus on them as a whole, not just one in particular. After you’ve achieved that, just focus on one.

This practice helps enhance focus and mental clarity. If you can already reorganize your thoughts quickly without issues, meditation might not be necessary for you.

Best App for this is of course Headspace

You can get free Headspace subscription with Revolut Premium.


Your diet plays a significant role in your productivity. Here are key tips to optimize your diet for peak performance:

  1. Avoid Eating While Working: Eating while working can disrupt your dopamine levels and blood sugar that is tied with it, leading to decreased focus and productivity. (This advice might be bad if you are not optimizing for cognition.)
  2. Ketogenic Diet: Consider a ketogenic diet to maintain steady energy levels, as it prevents the spikes and crashes associated with carb-heavy meals.
  3. Blood Sugar Management: Avoid high-sugar foods that can lead to energy crashes and impaired cognitive function.

Nootropics: Boosting Brain Power

Once you’ve established a solid foundation for productivity, it’s time to explore the exciting realm of nootropics. These cognitive enhancers can give your brain an additional boost, improving memory, focus, and overall mental performance. Nootropics can be a game-changer when used effectively and responsibly. Effects (if not stated otherwise), should be noticeable after a week or two of regular use.

Here’s a guide to some of the most beneficial nootropics:

Lion’s Mane: Promotes neurogenesis, helping new brain cells grow. My dosage: 2g/day.
If you feel skin rushes, you are allergic and should stop immediately.
Also take it for a maximum of a work week and thane take a break. Otherwise you risk burnout.

Ginkgo Biloba: Aids memory, though effects are modest. Since every mistake you make will effect your memory.
You can regain your memory by exercising it with Lumosity (short and long memory games) and taking care of your sleep.

Omega-3: Essential for brain support. Ensure combined intake of over >1g/day of DHA and EPA combined.

Creatine: Enhances water retention in organs, including the brain.

Electron Donors: Consider these if you feel less sharp than before. Methylene blue is an option that works instantly. (It’s also dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing and can lead to brain damage.)

Salt: One teaspoon of regular kitchen salt in the morning can help your dizziness spells.

If you experience those and salt help, research if you have low blood pressure, low electrolytes or sodium deficiency.

Neuroplasticity Support: To enhance brain plasticity, consider these nootropics:

  • Noopept: Boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF).
  • Citicoline: Supports membrane formation and increases brain energy.
  • Bacopa Monnieri: Enhances memory and cognitive function.
  • Rhodiola Rosea: Reduces fatigue and supports brain function under stress.

Kidney Support: It’s important to support your kidneys as they work to flush out toxins from your body, especially when you’re pumping your body full of “supplements”. Calculate your daily water intake based on your body mass to ensure you stay hydrated:

  • Water Intake Formula: Drink 0.033 liters (1.1 ounces) of water per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight. For example, if you weigh 70 kg (154 pounds), you should drink approximately 2.3 liters (78 ounces) of water per day (70 kg * 0.033 liters or 154 pounds * 1.1 ounces).
    If your head or kidneys hurts, you should probablly drink more.

Additionally, consider activated charcoal pills to help your kidneys process and eliminate toxins more effectively.

For more information, check out NootropicsExpert and The Nootropic Republic.

Enhancing Your IQ

  • Take an IQ Test: Start with a baseline at 123test.
  • Train Your Brain: Use Lumosity daily for six months and neurogenesis+neuroplasticity nootropics.
  • Retest Your IQ: Measure your progress. Typical gains range from 5–20 points.
Why improving your IQ might be better than having it from the start

Additional Tips

  • Continuous Learning: Use apps like Blinkist or Headway to explore books on thinking and focus.
  • Minimalist Surroundings: Keep your environment clutter-free.
  • Task Management: Utilize TickTick for efficient task management.

Not tested by me, because I’m not rich:

  • Pure Oxygen Tank: Utilizing pure oxygen tanks can significantly enhance cognitive functions. Oxygen therapy has been shown to increase alertness, improve concentration, and boost memory retention. By ensuring your brain receives ample oxygen, you can enhance your mental clarity and overall focus, leading to better productivity and performance in your tasks. The cognitive benefits can often be felt almost immediately, but for sustained improvements, regular sessions over approximately 3–6 months may be necessary.
  • Red Light Energy Activation: Incorporating red light therapy (620 to 750 nanometers (nm)) into your routine can also aid in improving focus. Red light energy has been found to activate cellular function and reduce inflammation, which can enhance brain health and cognitive function. By reducing inflammation, you can experience less mental fog and greater mental acuity, allowing for sustained focus and higher efficiency in your work. Noticeable benefits typically begin to appear within a few weeks, with significant improvements often seen after consistent use for about 2–3 months.

Final Thoughts

I incorporate pure caffeine into fat burners, use methylene blue in the morning, and vape nicotine to enhance cognition (with caution to avoid overdose).

Lastly, ensure you truly rest for an hour a day. Spend this time reflecting on your goals, achievements, and areas for improvement.

By integrating these strategies into your routine, you’ll optimize your productivity, sharpen your mind, and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Please leave a clap, if you find out something new. By doing that I can see, that longer articles that are information dense works too.



Miha Rajšter

Web developer, that started his career in a beginning of the millennium. Just trying to share his experiences and knowlage.