AkankshaUltimate Road Map for Spring BootA complete guide to get started with Spring BootOct 9, 20201Oct 9, 20201
AkankshainAnalytics VidhyaWhat is the need of Confusion matrix and its derived metrics in Machine Learning?What is Confusion matrix? How are other metrics derived? Why are these metrics important?Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
AkankshainAnalytics VidhyaBias-Variance tradeoff in Machine LearningIntroduction to bias, variance, bias-variance trade-off and its impact on the model.Jul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020
AkankshainAnalytics VidhyaCompare more than 5 keywords in Google Trends Search using pytrendsDo you want to compare more than 5 keywords in pytrends but Google Trends Search’s limit is forbidding you to do so? Well, you have come…May 27, 20202May 27, 20202
AkankshaA guide to bind “this” keyword in React JSWhen, why and how to bind “this” keyword in React JS?May 9, 20203May 9, 20203
AkankshainThe CapitalHow Blockchain Can Revolutionize PhilanthropyBy Akanksha Rajwar on ALTCOIN MAGAZINEAug 13, 2019Aug 13, 2019
AkankshaCounting subsequences of pattern a^i b^j c^kGiven a string, count number of subsequences of the form a^i b^j c^k, i.e., it consists of i ’a’ characters, followed by j ’b’ characters…Aug 11, 20191Aug 11, 20191
AkankshaFind Missing and Repeating ElementGiven an unsorted array of size N of positive integers. One number ‘A’ from set {1, 2, …N} is missing and one number ‘B’ occurs twice in…Jul 20, 2019Jul 20, 2019
AkankshaExplanation on finding the starting node of a loop in Linked ListGiven a linked list with loop, consider 2 pointers — one pointer (Slow pointer) moving with speed sand other pointer (Fast pointer) moving…Jul 7, 20192Jul 7, 20192