Rakesh Botadkar
2 min readSep 8, 2017


The Boss VS Leader Syndrome

At any given point of our lives, be it personal or professional, we are A Boss(or what i call alpha decision makers) about certain aspects and situations. A boss is at the top end of the professional pyramid giving instructions on how to do things.

A boss at home is ordering subordinates to do things, finish chores and keep the environment in place.

What is it about bosses then, that gives them a bad name in general. Are they not leaders? Sadly, not in my opinion.

A leader is a doer, not an instructor. Period.

He or she seizes the opportunity of doing a task standing with subordinates or colleagues and completes the task at hand till the team doesn't get the desired outcome.

The key difference is doing things differently VS doing different things.

A boss tries to do different things at one time instructing and seeing that those instructions are followed. In a factory shop floor environment, (this is what i base my thoughts on) there are a multitude of things flying around, different workers doing jobs and each department completing their tasks to fruition.

Sadly this environment creates a lot of gaps and redundancies along the way and over time, these reduce the productivity of the whole shop floor.

I've seen it, I've been there and I know it happens.

So when I had a great chance to LEAD a team of a factory floor at another location, I took this opportunity to work with them.

I knew the drawbacks the current setup had. I sat down with my workers, had a heart to heart and that's it. I knew from that moment that I had to LEAD.

So we devised ways to communicate, to delegate wherever necessary and most importantly actually go through each process and see the faults and repair them. (How I did it is a whole another essay, so I won't bore you with that ☺️)

This has led to such a great working environment that now after just 2 years, that plant is running on auto pilot and i am just a mentor for them. I'm so happy that I actually found a way of doing the things not conformed to copy book styles of leadership and actually thought about how to communicate and act.

This in my opinion is the right way for any small and medium business to think and work.

I know it’s tight, it’s tough, but the point is what things come easy? Well success doesn’t for sure.

I'd love to hear what you think.



Rakesh Botadkar

Self confessed loner. Third generation entrepreneur. Also known as The Bobbypins Guy! Knowledge never decreases by sharing !Let's give first