AWS Glue: A Serverless Data Integration Service

Rakesh Paulraj
10 min readMar 31, 2023

· What is AWS Glue
· Getting started with AWS Glue
· Glue Components
Data Catalog
ETL Jobs
Development Endpoints
· Advantages of using AWS Glue
1. Reduced Development Time and Costs
2. Scalability and Availability
3. Data Catalog and Discovery
4. Support for a Wide Range of Data Sources
5. Integration with Other AWS Services
6. Easy to Use
· Best practices for using AWS Glue
· Limitations
· Conclusion

Photo by Conny Schneider on Unsplash

What is AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a fully-managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the process of moving and transforming data between different data sources for analytics. It is a serverless service that eliminates the need for you to set up and manage your own ETL infrastructure. With AWS Glue, you can create, run, and monitor ETL jobs using a simple interface, and it automatically scales to handle any workload. AWS Glue also includes a data catalog that makes it easy to discover and access data sources, and it supports a wide range of data sources including Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, and other JDBC-compliant databases. In summary, AWS Glue is a powerful and flexible ETL service that simplifies the process of moving and transforming data for analytics.

In this blog post, we will explore how to use AWS Glue and highlight some of its key features.

Getting started with AWS Glue

To get started with AWS Glue, you will need to create a Glue job, which is the basic unit of work in AWS Glue. A Glue job defines the data to be processed, the data source and target, and the transformations to be performed on the data.

AWS Glue supports a wide range of data sources, including Amazon S3, JDBC-compliant databases, and other AWS data sources. You can also use AWS Glue to clean and transform your data using a variety of built-in transforms, such as filtering, aggregating, and joining.

Once you have defined your Glue job, you can run it on demand or schedule it to run automatically at regular intervals. You can also monitor your Glue jobs using Amazon CloudWatch, which provides detailed metrics and logs.

Glue Components

The main components of AWS Glue are:

Data Catalog

The AWS Glue Data Catalog is a metadata repository that stores information about the data assets that are used in your ETL jobs. It includes information about the data schema, partitioning, and other metadata such as data lineage. The Data Catalog is used by AWS Glue to understand the structure of your data and to map data between different sources during ETL processing.


AWS Glue crawlers are used to automatically discover and extract metadata from data sources. Crawlers can be used to extract metadata from various data sources, such as relational databases, S3 buckets, and data streams. Once a crawler has extracted metadata from a data source, it updates the Data Catalog with the metadata information. This makes it easy for AWS Glue to understand the structure of your data and to generate ETL jobs automatically

ETL Jobs

AWS Glue ETL jobs are used to extract, transform, and load data from one or more sources into a target data store. ETL jobs can be created using a visual interface or by writing custom code using Python or Scala. ETL jobs in AWS Glue use Apache Spark as the underlying processing engine, which provides a scalable and reliable platform for ETL processing. ETL jobs can be scheduled to run on a regular basis, or triggered by events such as new data arriving in a data source.


AWS Glue triggers enable you to schedule ETL jobs to run at a specified time or in response to events. For example, you can configure a trigger to run an ETL job when new data is added to an S3 bucket. Triggers can be used to automate your data processing workflows, reducing the need for manual intervention.

AWS Glue supports three types of triggers: scheduled, on-demand, and conditional.

  • Scheduled triggers are time-based triggers based on cron expressions. You can use them to start jobs or crawlers at a specific time. You can also specify a cron expression to define the frequency of the trigger .
  • On-demand triggers are used to start jobs or crawlers manually. You can use them to start a job or crawler when you need it.
  • Conditional triggers are used to start jobs or crawlers based on a condition that you specify. You can use them to start a job or crawler when a condition is met. For example, you can create a conditional trigger that starts a job when a file is added to an Amazon S3 bucket.

You can use AWS Glue API or AWS CLI to configure triggers for both jobs and crawlers

Development Endpoints

Development Endpoint is an AWS resource that provides an environment for developers to develop, test, and debug their ETL scripts and jobs. It is essentially a managed Apache Spark cluster that can be used to run Spark applications interactively, allowing developers to quickly test their code and iterate on their ETL workflows.

A Development Endpoint includes the following components:

  1. Apache Spark cluster: The cluster provides the computing resources needed to run Spark applications. The size and configuration of the cluster can be customized based on the specific needs of the development team.
  2. Development Endpoint IAM role: This role defines the AWS permissions that the development endpoint has access to.
  3. Security group: The security group controls inbound and outbound traffic to and from the development endpoint.
  4. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): The development endpoint is launched within a VPC, which provides networking and security features.

Developers can connect to the Development Endpoint using a SSH client or through a Jupyter notebook interface provided by AWS Glue. Once connected, they can write and test ETL scripts using a variety of programming languages, including Python, Scala, and Java. They can also use the Spark SQL interface to query data and experiment with different transformations.

By providing a dedicated environment for development and testing, Development Endpoints can help improve the quality and reliability of ETL workflows by catching errors and issues early in the development process.


AWS Glue Workflow is a serverless, managed service that provides an easy way to create, run, and monitor multi-step ETL jobs. Workflows can be used to orchestrate ETL jobs that span multiple data sources, enabling you to build complex data processing workflows. Workflows can also be used to define dependencies between ETL jobs, ensuring that each job runs in the correct sequence.

A Workflow consists of the following components:

  1. Nodes: Nodes represent the individual ETL jobs that make up the Workflow. Each node has a specific role in the Workflow and can be configured with input and output parameters.
  2. Edges: Edges define the dependencies between nodes, indicating the order in which the jobs should be executed and the data flow between them.
  3. Triggers: Triggers define the events that can start the Workflow, such as a schedule or an event-based trigger.
  4. Parameters: Parameters allow you to pass inputs and outputs between nodes in the Workflow, as well as provide values for any variables or configuration settings that the Workflow or ETL jobs may need.

Workflows are designed using a drag-and-drop visual editor in the AWS Glue console. Once a Workflow has been created, it can be executed using a Workflow Run. A Workflow Run is an instance of the Workflow that is triggered by a specific event, such as a schedule or an event-based trigger. During the Workflow Run, the ETL jobs are executed in the order defined by the Workflow’s edges, with the input and output parameters passed between nodes as needed.

Workflows are a powerful tool for managing complex ETL workflows, allowing developers to build and maintain sophisticated data processing pipelines. By defining the dependencies and data flow between ETL jobs, Workflows can help ensure that data is processed correctly and efficiently, reducing the risk of errors or data loss. Workflows can also be used to automate the execution of ETL jobs, freeing up developer time and resources for other tasks.


AWS Glue provides various security features to help protect your data. These include encryption of data in transit and at rest, IAM integration for authentication and authorization, and VPC support for secure network connectivity. AWS Glue also integrates with AWS CloudTrail, allowing you to track and audit activity in your AWS Glue environment.

These components work together to provide a scalable, reliable, and flexible ETL service that can automate and streamline data processing workflows.

Advantages of using AWS Glue

1. Reduced Development Time and Costs

With AWS Glue, you can focus on the ETL logic rather than the infrastructure. AWS Glue eliminates the need for you to set up, configure, and manage your own ETL infrastructure. This means that you can reduce your development time and costs by focusing on developing the ETL workflows.

2. Scalability and Availability

AWS Glue is designed to be highly scalable and available. With AWS Glue, you can easily process large amounts of data, and the service automatically scales up or down to handle the workload. This means that you can be confident that your ETL workflows will always run smoothly, even as your data volumes grow.

3. Data Catalog and Discovery

AWS Glue provides a centralized data catalog that makes it easy to discover and manage your data sources. The AWS Glue Data Catalog stores metadata about your data sources, including table definitions, job definitions, and other metadata. This means that you can easily discover and access your data sources, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

4. Support for a Wide Range of Data Sources

AWS Glue supports a wide range of data sources, including Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, and other JDBC-compliant databases. This means that you can easily extract data from a variety of sources, transform it, and load it into a target data store.

5. Integration with Other AWS Services

AWS Glue integrates with other AWS services, including Amazon Redshift, Amazon EMR, and Amazon Athena. This means that you can easily prepare your data for analysis in these services, without having to worry about the underlying ETL infrastructure.

6. Easy to Use

AWS Glue provides a user-friendly console that makes it easy to create, run, and manage ETL workflows. Additionally, AWS Glue provides a development endpoint that you can use to develop and test your ETL scripts. With its simplified ETL workflows and ease of use, AWS Glue is an excellent choice for organizations looking to streamline their ETL workflows and reduce their costs.

Best practices for using AWS Glue

When using AWS Glue, there are several best practices you should follow to ensure that your data processing workflows are efficient and reliable. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use AWS Glue’s dynamic frames feature to handle complex data structures, such as nested JSON or XML data.
  2. Use AWS Glue’s partitioning feature to optimize your data processing by breaking your data into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  3. Use AWS Glue’s error handling and retry mechanisms to ensure that your jobs run smoothly even in the face of errors or failures.
  4. Use AWS Glue’s security features to ensure that your data is protected at all times. AWS Glue integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to provide granular access control for your data.


AWS Glue is a powerful ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) service that provides many benefits to users, such as automation of data preparation and transformation, serverless execution, and integration with other AWS services. However, like any technology, there are some limitations to what AWS Glue can do. Some of the key limitations of AWS Glue include:

  1. Limited customization: AWS Glue provides a limited set of pre-built transformations and connectors that can be used in ETL jobs. While these are often sufficient for many use cases, they may not be suitable for more complex or specialized requirements. Additionally, users may not be able to customize the underlying Spark code used by AWS Glue to perform transformations.
  2. Lack of control over Spark configuration: AWS Glue manages the underlying Apache Spark cluster that is used to execute ETL jobs. While this provides a seamless and easy-to-use experience, it can also limit users’ ability to control and optimize the Spark configuration for their specific use case.
  3. Scaling limitations: While AWS Glue can scale up and down to handle large volumes of data, there may be limits on the number of concurrent jobs that can be executed, as well as the amount of data that can be processed in a given time period. This may require users to implement their own custom scaling solutions or use other AWS services to handle high volume data processing.
  4. Limited debugging capabilities: Debugging ETL jobs in AWS Glue can be challenging, as there is limited visibility into the underlying Spark code and execution environment. This may require users to build their own custom logging and monitoring solutions to track errors and performance issues.
  5. Cost: While AWS Glue is generally more cost-effective than traditional on-premise ETL solutions, it can still be expensive for large-scale data processing workloads. Users need to carefully monitor their usage and consider alternative pricing models, such as reserved capacity, to minimize costs.

Despite these limitations, AWS Glue is a powerful and flexible ETL service that can help users automate and optimize their data processing workflows. By understanding these limitations and working within them, users can get the most out of AWS Glue and build robust and scalable data pipelines.


AWS Glue is a powerful tool for processing and analyzing your data on AWS. With its scalability, flexibility, and ease of use, AWS Glue makes it easy for you to transform your data and prepare it for analytics. By following best practices and taking advantage of AWS Glue’s features, you can build complex data processing workflows that are efficient, reliable, and secure.

