WapSwap Finance

Rakib Rayhan
4 min readNov 22, 2021


Hello everyone… Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called WapSwap Finance.Unlike most standard options and futures contracts, swaps are not exchange-traded instruments. In contrast, a swap is a special contract that is traded in the over-the-counter (OTC) market between private parties. Companies and financial institutions dominate the swap market, with few (if any) individuals ever participating. Since swaps occur in the OTC market, there is always a risk of the counterparty failing to pay the swap.

WAP$WAP is an Automated Market Marker on the Binance Smart Chain. We offer liquidity pool model. Users add pairs of tokens to liquidity pools and earn transaction fees from others who swap their tokens using the pools. We have seen popularity due to the speed and low fees offered by the Binane Smart Chain. Our cryptocurrency is called $WAP. You can easily buy and sell it on DEX. You can also swap other tokens for $WAP using our swap and liquidity pools.
WAP$WAP will potentially create entirely new financial markets, products, and services. An ecosystem of financial applications that is built on top of blockchain networks.

Furthermore, WAP$WAP is a smart contract innovation that enables the trading of one digital currency for another without the use of a unified intermediary, such as trading.

WAPSWAP Features

Wapswap Feathers

Liquidity Pool: Liquidity providers (LPs) add funds to the liquidity pool. You can think of a liquidity pool as a large pile of funds that traders can fight against.

  • Staking Pools: Staking pools are groups of coin holders who pool their resources to increase their chances of validating blocks and receiving rewards. They combine the power of their bets and distribute the prizes in proportion to their contribution to the pool.
  • AMM: An automated market maker (AMM) is a type of decentralized exchange protocol (DEX) that relies on mathematical formulas to determine asset prices. Instead of using an order book like a traditional exchange, assets are priced according to a pricing algorithm.
  • Swapping: Swap refers to the exchange of one cryptocurrency that you hold for the equivalent value of another cryptocurrency.
  • Farming: Farming is a way to earn more crypto with your crypto. This involves you lending your funds to someone else through the magic of computer programs called smart contracts. In return for your service, you get a fee in crypto.
  • ERC-20 Standard: ERC-20 introduces a standard for Exchangeable Tokens, in other words, they have properties that make each Token exactly the same (in type and value) of other Tokens.

Why chosse us

An open and worldwide monetary framework worked for modern times an option in contrast to a framework that is misty, firmly controlled, and held together by many years old foundation and cycles.

  • WapSwap brings various advantages when contrasted with customary monetary administrations.
  • Distributed record containing data pretty much every one of the exercises that have occurred on a blockchain network is shared by everybody.
  • Through the utilization of brilliant agreements and circulated frameworks, sending a monetary application or item turns out to be considerably less intricate and secure.

WAP$WAP don’t depends on foundations like banks to go about as go-betweens, and courts to give discretion. We needn’t bother with any delegates or referees. The code indicates the goal of each conceivable debate, and the clients keep up with command over their assets consistently. This diminishes the expenses related with giving and utilizing these items and considers a more frictionless monetary framework.

How It’s Work

Wapswap Feathers


  • The measure of token to get traded needs consent to move on the other determined chain utilizing the ChainSwapToChain() Event.


  • At the point when the occasion is radiated, a sign exchanges to the next chain with the sum determined from the principal chain.


  • The measure of token consumed from the main chain will require a trigger to the next chain for guaranteeing the tokens.


  • At the point when the strategy is set off, the ChainSwapClaim loccasion is radiated alongside the printing of the tokens.

Token Details

  • Chain Network: BSC, Polygon
  • Token Name: WapSwap
  • Token Ticker: WAP
  • Initial Supply: 1,890,000 WAP
  • Total Supply: 21,000,000 WAP
  • New Token emissions: 0.16 per block
  • Fair Launch: Yes
  • BSC Chain: 0xCa896c3E72c2237D82a05e3d37b4d82a2BeD082d
  • Polygon Chain: 0x43b2b8B8a391a66a133c8Ed1c180db7DfAEee66a

Token Distribution

  • 91% Farming and Staking
  • 7.5% Liquidity for CEX and DEX
  • 1% Promotion and Marketing
  • 0.5% Operational Cost
  • 0% Founders and Team


Wapswap Feathers

Contact Information:

Wapswap Feathers


Bitcointalk Name: rakib102607

Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2463233

Telegram Username: @rakibrayhan102605

Binance Smart Chain wallet: 0x707a5E6E5A202f46Fd65A9b586975C6f490A6A32

