Radio Runner Term 5: Perspective VI

4 min readOct 9, 2023


The first section of Term 5 is Posing in Perspective. The assignment was to draw at least 10 drawings each from the video list. This unit was a lot of fun because it call came down to illustration, and you know how I love illustration. However towards the ends it felt like a grind to the point I decided to stop to preserve my sanity. I completed 98% of the assignment though…

Drawing heads from any angle

Drawing heads again. Not much to say, I grabbed some interesting ones from Pinterest and went to town.

Drawing figures
Rotating figures

Rotating figures this way was really difficult and it took me a while to wrap my head around how they should look at the C angle.

More rotating objects

With animals I fell back on my skills from the Sorie Kim course which I think is how I prefer to draw animals now. It relies on understanding the anatomy. Instead of the draw-a-box method or the one from the video.

Rotating objects is fun, but it can get tedious after a while. That’s why I tried to pick interesting vehicles and animals. That’s one of my tricks to stay motivated, draw something interesting.

Fisheye (5 point) perspective.

Drawing figures in 5 point perspective is hard, something feels wrong about skewing things into unnatural proportions.

I started to get really comfortable with the ink brush. There’s something about the stark black lines that is really appealing.

Rotating vehicles in 5 point perspective

Doing these rotations took a long time. Around 7 to 8 hours for one page. After 5 of them, I really started to struggle with motivation. Every new image I looked at all I could think about was the amount of detail I’d need to draw in each of the 9 images and how long each drawing would take. When I finished the 4th one I felt really good, and I thought it came out really well (the 3-wheeled truck above) by the time I finished the sport bike, which was the 5th page, I was filled with dread. I Really did not feel like doing 5 more. I started to do one with figures, but ended up just calling it a day. Technically I drew 45 drawings in those 5 pages. That’s enough…

One of my goals is to draw characters in perspective, mainly because it’s hard, and most people don’t or can’t do it. When you see someone that does, it really stands out. So this unit was good for me, and I’m glad I gave it my all, but I’m ready move onto character design which is next.

