My sister bought a motorcycle and I can’t stop worrying about her

Raleigh Lawrence
2 min readSep 6, 2022

My baby sister is a very safe person. She never really enjoyed the extreme sports I did as a kid, like throwing myself off uneven bars or flying down a mountain of ice in the northeast on a snowboard. So when she showed up at my house on a Harley Davidson motorcycle I nearly fell off the stairs.

Photo by <a href=”">Harley-Davidson</a> on <a href=”">Unsplash</a>

She assured me she took a safe riders course and was practicing with our cousin who has been a rider for many years. She didn’t want to tell me before she bought the bike because she knew what I would say about it. Just showing up with a new toy would soften the blow. She loves the freedom the bike allows and not to mention the money she is saving on gas.

But I worry about her. I worry about everyone else on the road with her. She lives in Montana so I know she has those big open roads ahead of her but she also has to worry about moose in those roads! She let me know she has already joined a riding club and I guess I feel better about safety in numbers. I didn’t know Montana was such a hot bed of motorcycle activity but turns out it is actually the state with the most motorcycles per 100,000 people.

That is over 6,312 registered bikes per 100k residents in Montana. Even though California with its massive population has the most registered bikes on this list, (952,977) that is still only 2,482 per 100k residents. I guess I feel better about her on the roads of Montana surrounded by many other like minded individuals. She told me I now need to get my motorcycle license and join her on a road trip from my hometown on the east coast. Even though I’ve jumped out of airplanes and heli-skied my way down the rockies I have to say I’m a bit scared to get on two wheels myself. Seeing my sister take on the roads on her Harley makes me feel proud and nervous all at the same time but I think I have a new resolution to try out this year.

