A picture is worth a thousand words, how to choose your Ralloo Campaign photos

3 min readMay 15, 2018


by Morwenna Jones

We love welcoming new members to our Ralloo family. A new campaign submitted for review really makes our day.

However, sometimes, before we launch a Ralloo campaign we need to go back to our schools and ask for edits. This really slows the process down and it’s mostly due to images not adhering to our guidelines.

Eye-catching, relevant, good-quality photos are crucial to the success of your Ralloo campaign. In fact, on Ralloo, the rules are simple: the better the photos you use with your campaign, the quicker you’ll hit your goal!

We decided to put together this short blog post to help you create the perfect campaign that will help your project reach its goal in no time!

It’s always good to have people in the photos.

If the people are having fun or smile it’s even better.

Don’t use blurry or pixelated photos

Photos with a high resolution work best.

Don’t use photos with watermarks.

You cannot use photos you do not have permission to publish — a good rule of thumb is if the photo was taken by a parent, teacher, a PTA member or on behalf of the school — it is perfect. If you used Google to find a picture, it most likely is not!

Landscape works better then portrait.

Make it clear and well lit.

When you run a Ralloo campaign, you will get lots of immediate support from parents, friends and family, but once they start sharing on Facebook, your campaign will reach far and wide. Getting people who may not have a direct connection with your school or club to support your campaign can make the points stack up quickly. The key is to present your school though your campaign photos. Here is a short list of what would make a good subject matter of your Ralloo campaign photos:

  1. People, people, people — if you are running a school project — children would work the best, but make sure you have permission to use the photos. If you want you can use a stock photo but make sure you have a licence and there are no watermarks.
  2. Facilities — if you running a campaign related to gardening or libraries you can choose to show photos of the school grounds, building, gardens, equipment.
  3. A quote — we like quotes but please make sure the image is readable and presented in good quality.

A quick tip:

When you upload photos to Ralloo, our tool by default crops it and leaves wide margins. We suggest that you stretch the tool to cover the full width and height of the image.

See examples of successful Ralloo campaigns




Ralloo is the UK’s first micro-sponsorship platform. We match people looking for funds with brands that want to support them.