Key Takeaways from Atomic Habits

Ralph Bryan Carlos
3 min readDec 12, 2022


Habits are the most influential thing that we are doing every day.

I read this book by James Clear titled “Atomic Habits”. A book that tackles the topic of habit formation and behavioral change. I am a sucker for self-improvement for the last month, continuously making efforts to progress in life in the right way. This book helped me a lot to digest those little things that made me struggle to be consistent. Here are my takeaways from the book.

Atomic habits are small habits that, when consistently practiced, can have a huge impact on our lives. These habits are called “atomic” because they are the smallest unit of a habit, and they are the building blocks of our daily routines. By consistently practicing atomic habits, we can gradually improve our lives and achieve our goals.

One of the key benefits of atomic habits is that they are easy to implement and maintain. Because they are small and simple, they are less intimidating and require less effort to do. This makes it more likely that we will stick with the habit and continue to practice it over time. Additionally, because atomic habits are small, it is easier to track our progress and see the results of our efforts.

Another benefit of atomic habits is that they can compound over time. This means that, as we continue to practice a habit, the positive effects of the habit will accumulate and grow. For example, if we start exercising for just 10 minutes a day, we may not see significant results at first. However, as we continue to exercise consistently, the positive effects of the habit will compound and we will see improvements in our health and fitness.

It is important to note that atomic habits are not a quick fix for our problems. They are not magic solutions that will instantly change our lives. Instead, they are a long-term strategy for gradually improving our lives. By consistently practicing atomic habits, we can slowly but surely make progress toward our goals and create the life that we want.

One of the keys to successfully implementing atomic habits is to start small. This means setting small, achievable goals for ourselves and focusing on the process of achieving those goals, rather than the end result. For example, if our goal is to become more organized, we might start by setting a goal to declutter our desks for 10 minutes each day. By focusing on this small, achievable goal, we can gradually build the habit of being organized and create lasting change in our lives.

Another key to successfully implementing atomic habits is to make them automatic. This means incorporating the habit into our daily routine so that it becomes automatic and requires minimal effort. For example, if our goal is to exercise more, we might set a goal to go for a 10-minute walk every morning after breakfast. By making the habit automatic, we can ensure that we consistently practice the habit and see the benefits of the habit in the long run.

In conclusion, atomic habits are small habits that, when consistently practiced, can have a huge impact on our lives. By starting small and making the habit automatic, we can gradually improve our lives and achieve our goals. While atomic habits are not a quick fix, they are a powerful tool for creating lasting change in our lives.

