Ram Aiyer
3 min readMay 28, 2016

Tamil The only language Which all the Humans Once spoke

Tamil Letter “Aa”

All the south Indian Dravidian languages and many other southeast Asian languages ,African languages are derived from Tamil.

The above statement is not my opinion it is said by many semanticist ,linguistic experts all over the world.

Tamil history dates back to origin of mankind and many american linguistic experts have regarded Tamil as the only language which was once spoken by all the human beings in earth later on due to geographical changes and localisation new languages evolved and people lost their touch with Tamil.

Few examples :

How Kannada words were formed from Tamil

Replace Tamil word “PA”with “HA”

Tamil-Milk-PAALu in Kannada HAALU

Tamil -Tiger -PULI in Kannada HULI

Tamil-Ten -Pathu in Kannada Hathu

Replace Tamil sound “VA” with “BA”

Varala in Tamil

Barala in Kannada

same way in Malayalam which was not having its script till 10–14th century borrowed the Tamil script

Malayalam is ancient Tamil spoken in a fast tone

That is why many Malayalees can understand Tamil but Tamilians cannot understand Malayalam as they do

The sentence formation and the preamble of Grammar of all these south Indian languages were from Tamil.

The order was Ancient Tamil ->Kannada->Telugu

later Malyalam was directly derived from Tamil in AD

In fact the Chera prince who wrote Silapathikaram was one of the well known Tamil writers

When many foreigners believe and give credit to Tamil as the oldest language ,why do Indians and especially south Indians from other states never accept it?

Here is the reason over the time they wanted to be proud of their language and to keep themselves and their language alive in the political arena of India ,each states have their own self written deceptive history book taught from their childhood in their respective states for example in AP and Karnataka it is taught that their language is oldest but they never realize it sounds silly when they read a history which is globally accepted the story is different . it is the Tamil kings whose governors in various parts of Andhra and Karnataka started developing these languages ,Initially Telugu and Kannada and Malayalam were just dialects of Tamil like what we used to have now Chennai Tamil,Kongu Tamil,Tirunelveli Tamil…later on when the Tamil kingdom which ruled entire south India collapsed the local chieftains in AP and Karnataka became rulers of smaller kingdom and connection with mainland was destructed,this led to formation of these languages ..

Later on due to sanskritization of entire India these languages had borrowed lots of words from Sanskrit because these languages were still in growing spree

But Tamil already attaining the level of saturation and high grammar level was the only language to be non Sanskritized .Still there is Sanskrit touch in Tamil it is because of the Brahmins who settled in Dravidian heartland who later started practicing Tamil as the their mother tongue added these words and it can be seen n their dialect of Tamil.

For all those who still claim their language was not derived from TAMIL here is a video link of Alex collier who is an American Expert
