Connect Keycloak with PostgreSQL DB

3 min readMay 22, 2023


Versions: keycloak 21.1.1 and postgreSQL 15.3

Note: first the database table should be created then connect the keycloak server to db.

To connect Keycloak with PostgreSQL, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have PostgreSQL installed and running on your Windows systems
  2. Create a new database for Keycloak in PostgreSQL or use the default postgres DB. You can do this using the createdb command or a PostgreSQL administration tool. For example:
create KeycloakDB
database name

3. Now Go to the conf folder of the keycloak

Keycloak folder

4. change the keycloak.conf file as below


# The database vendor.

# The username of the database user.for ex: ravi

# The password of the database user.
#the password that you used during the creation of the postgresql database.

# The full database JDBC URL. If not provided,
# a default URL is set based on the selected database vendor.
# add the port number that you used during installation of postgreSQL db
# here the db name=keycloakDB for example if you create a new db then use it
#for ex: db-url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database_name_you_created

# Observability

# If the server should expose healthcheck endpoints.

# If the server should expose metrics endpoints.

5. Go to bin folder and build the keycloak by following the command build 

6. Run the keycloak (Go to bin folder and run )

start-dev means run in development mode

kc.bat start-dev

incase if you want to change the port number then type the following code

kc.bat start-dev --http-port=8070

now check the db tables in the db used ,

keycloakDB connected to keycloak

7. create a new user (example:User10) in keycloak users tab and check in the postgresql user_entity

to download the schema of keycloak tables follow the below link.

