3 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

the land from the sky

The human race, born in the lap of the earth, grew up looking at the sky. How many thousands of dreams have been spread in that sky! The desire to fly like a bird, the thirst to touch the stars — this immense passion is the seed of scientific breakthroughs.

But in the history of this space travel, that moment of leaving the earth and looking back at the earth will touch the heart of the human race. “Earth from Space” In 1961, he beat Yuri Gagarin to become the first man in space. But he only went around the Earth’s orbit once and never came out and looked back at the Earth.

In 1968, NASA’s Apollo 8 spacecraft left Earth’s gravitational pull and began its journey to the Moon. Those astronauts who went far away from the earth, when they looked back, were shocked by what they saw.

**Wonder of Man**

Did you know that the first humans who left the earth like this described what the earth looked like? A small, blue ball of transparent three — that was the earth they saw. The ball seemed very fragile and surrounded by blackness.

**New View**

This experience had a profound effect on the minds of the astronauts. They realized the beauty of the earth and the perfection of the earth anew.

While on Earth, the human race, which was divided by enemies, fights, country, and religion, appeared as brothers and sisters living on the same planet when viewed from space.

**Intelligent Creature**

The words of astronaut William Anders, who described this experience, are very famous. “Earth seemed so small. No weapons were visible on it. No boundaries were visible. I thought I should show this to the people on Earth, because they would realize how small we are and what a beautiful planet we live on. The experience of seeing Earth from space had a profound effect not only on the eyes of scientists but also on the minds of artists.

A good example of this is the photograph “Earthrise” by the famous photographer Paul Fusco. This photograph, where the earth appears to be twinkling against the blackness of the moon, has given rise to new ideas about the unity of mankind.

**Blue Marble**

NASA, involved in space research, has published the photographs of the Earth taken by its spacecraft under the name “Blue Marble.” These photographs have had a great impact on the human mind. These photographs made us realize not only the beauty of the earth but also the limitations of its resources. The photographs emphasized the importance of protecting the earth, where the glory of the oceans, the greenery of the forests, and the lightning of human habitats all come together like a work of art.

**New Lesson**

The experience of seeing Earth from space teaches us a very important lesson. Earth is a beautiful cradle . In this way, we should all live as brothers and sisters. We all have a responsibility to save the Earth’s resources and leave them to future generations instead of fighting over borders. When seen from space, all human constructions look like nothingness. But all creations of nature look majestic. When we look at the earth from space, we can understand that the essence of our lives is to live in harmony with nature.


Soon, it is said that space tourism will become widespread. Then many of us will have the opportunity to go into space and see the Earth with our own eyes.

