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ChatGPT: The 8 Prompting Techniques You Need to Learn (No BS!)



You may or may not have heard about prompt engineering. Essentially it is ‘effectively communicating to an AI to get what you want’.

Most people don’t know how to engineer good prompts.

However, it’s becoming an increasingly important skill…
Because garbage in = garbage out.

Here are the most important techniques you need for prompting 👇

I’ll refer to a language model as ‘LM’.

Examples of language models are @OpenAI’s ChatGPT and @AnthropicAI’s Claude.

1. Persona/role prompting

Assign a role to the AI.

Example: “You are an expert in X. You have helped people do Y for 20 years. Your task is to give the best advice about X.
Reply ‘got it’ if that’s understood.”

A powerful add-on is the following:

‘You must always ask questions before you answer so you can better understand what the questioner is seeking.’

I’ll talk about why that is so important in a sec.

2. CoT

CoT stands for ‘Chain of Thought’




Former co-founder in Web3 | Self-improvement enthusiast