End-to-End Machine Learning Project: Churn Prediction

Ramazan Olmez
18 min readFeb 22, 2024


The main objective of this article is to develop an end-to-end machine learning project. For a model to be truly useful, it needs to be stored and distributed. Within the scope of this article, I aim to develop a project based on a real-world scenario.

You can access the project on GitHub. You can also access the EDA and model development section on Kaggle.

The following tools will be used throughout the project.

  • Catboost
  • Streamlit
  • FastAPI
  • Docker

Table of Contents
· 1. Aim of the Project and Data Set
Data Set
· 2. Data Preprocessing and Model Development
· 3. Interface (Streamlit)
· 4. API (FastAPI)
· 5. Automation (Docker)
· 6. Conclusion

1. Aim of the Project and Data Set

Aim of the project

Data Set


You can access the customer data to be used in the project from Kaggle. This dataset consists of 7043 customers with 21 columns (features). It contains customer account information, demographic information, and registered services. The target variable (Churn) provides information on whether the customer has churned.
You can also access the extended and updated dataset version from this link.

2. Data Preprocessing and Model Development


There are quite a lot of categorical variables in the dataset. By encoding these variables into numerical form, we can also use different models with different preprocessing techniques. But in this study, we will use the Catboost algorithm, which has proven its success with categorical variables. If you want to improve performance in model development, you can try various tools that provide hyperparameter optimization such as Optuna, etc.

We can start data preprocessing and model development by creating a Python file called train_model.py

################################################## Import Libraries ##################################################

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.metrics import (
accuracy_score, classification_report, recall_score, confusion_matrix,
roc_auc_score, precision_score, f1_score, roc_curve, auc
from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder

from catboost import CatBoostClassifier, Pool

################################################## Data Loading and Editing ##################################################

data_path = "../data/WA_Fn-UseC_-Telco-Customer-Churn.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(data_path)

# Convert TotalCharges to numeric, filling NaN values
df['TotalCharges'] = pd.to_numeric(df['TotalCharges'], errors='coerce')
df['TotalCharges'].fillna(df['tenure'] * df['MonthlyCharges'], inplace=True)

# Convert SeniorCitizen to object
df['SeniorCitizen'] = df['SeniorCitizen'].astype(object)

# Replace 'No phone service' and 'No internet service' with 'No' for certain columns
df['MultipleLines'] = df['MultipleLines'].replace('No phone service', 'No')
columns_to_replace = ['OnlineSecurity', 'OnlineBackup', 'DeviceProtection', 'TechSupport', 'StreamingTV', 'StreamingMovies']
for column in columns_to_replace:
df[column] = df[column].replace('No internet service', 'No')

# Convert 'Churn' categorical variable to numeric
df['Churn'] = df['Churn'].replace({'No': 0, 'Yes': 1})

################################################## StratifiedShuffleSplit ##################################################

# Create the StratifiedShuffleSplit object
strat_split = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.2, random_state=64)

train_index, test_index = next(strat_split.split(df, df["Churn"]))

# Create train and test sets
strat_train_set = df.loc[train_index]
strat_test_set = df.loc[test_index]

X_train = strat_train_set.drop("Churn", axis=1)
y_train = strat_train_set["Churn"].copy()

X_test = strat_test_set.drop("Churn", axis=1)
y_test = strat_test_set["Churn"].copy()

################################################## CATBOOST ##################################################

# Identify categorical columns
categorical_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns.tolist()

# Initialize and fit CatBoostClassifier
cat_model = CatBoostClassifier(verbose=False, random_state=0, scale_pos_weight=3)
cat_model.fit(X_train, y_train, cat_features=categorical_columns, eval_set=(X_test, y_test))

# Predict on test set
y_pred = cat_model.predict(X_test)

# Calculate evaluation metrics
accuracy, recall, roc_auc, precision = [round(metric(y_test, y_pred), 4) for metric in [accuracy_score, recall_score, roc_auc_score, precision_score]]

# Create a DataFrame to store results
model_names = ['CatBoost_Model']
result = pd.DataFrame({'Accuracy': accuracy, 'Recall': recall, 'Roc_Auc': roc_auc, 'Precision': precision}, index=model_names)

# Print results

# Save the model in the 'model' directory
model_dir = "../model"
if not os.path.exists(model_dir):

model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "catboost_model.cbm")

Step 1: Importing Libraries
We start by importing essential libraries required for data processing, model training, and evaluation. These include libraries such as NumPy and Pandas for data manipulation, scikit-learn for machine learning functionalities, and CatBoost for building our predictive model.

Step 2: Data Loading and Editing
Next, we load the dataset from a specified path using Pandas. We perform some initial data editing steps to ensure data consistency and readiness for modeling. This involves converting certain columns to numeric data types, handling missing values, and encoding categorical variables.

Step 3: Stratified Splitting
The unbalanced nature of the dataset was observed in the EDA study. To ensure an unbiased distribution of classes in our train-test split, we employ StratifiedShuffleSplit from scikit-learn. This method preserves the proportion of classes in both training and testing sets, critical for reliable model evaluation.

Step 4: Model Training with CatBoost
Training our predictive model using CatBoost. We initialize a CatBoostClassifier with appropriate parameters, including verbosity and random state. We fit the model to the training data, specifying categorical features to ensure proper handling of categorical variables. I would like to emphasize that the model training phase has not been elaborated and it may be good to revisit this phase in your work.

Step 5: Model Evaluation
Once the model is trained, we evaluate its performance using various metrics such as accuracy, recall, ROC AUC score, and precision. These metrics provide insights into how well our model predicts customer churn.

After developing the model with your data, we need to save the model for later use.

After analyzing the data and building the machine learning model, interactive interfaces are required to increase the usability of this model. Streamlit is a good alternative for this task.

3. Interface (Streamlit)


Streamlit is an open-source application framework for machine learning and data science teams. It is often used in the prototyping phase of projects as it provides a fast interface. It is easy to use and has a strong community.

We started our project by creating a python file named streamlit-app.py to create a fast interface. The following code allows us to create an interactive interface using Streamlit and evaluate the churn probability of customers using the CatBoost model. It also allows us to understand and visualize the model’s decisions using SHAP values.

At this point in the project, I think it might be good to briefly mention SHAP.


SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) is one of the explainable artificial intelligence methods developed with a game theoretic approach. It allows us to comment on the model, making it less of a black box. It tells us to what extent each attribute used in the model affects the model outcome.

Let’s continue creating the streamlit-app.py file.

import shap
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import streamlit as st
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pyarrow import parquet as pq
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier, Pool
import joblib

# Path of the trained model and data
MODEL_PATH = "../model/cat_model.cbm"
DATA_PATH = "../data/churn_data_regulated.parquet"

st.set_page_config(page_title="Churn Project")

def load_data():
data = pd.read_parquet(DATA_PATH)
return data

def load_x_y(file_path):
data = joblib.load(file_path)
data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return data

def load_model():
model = CatBoostClassifier()
return model

def calculate_shap(model, X_train, X_test):
# Calculate SHAP values
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(model)
shap_values_cat_train = explainer.shap_values(X_train)
shap_values_cat_test = explainer.shap_values(X_test)
return explainer, shap_values_cat_train, shap_values_cat_test

def plot_shap_values(model, explainer, shap_values_cat_train, shap_values_cat_test, customer_id, X_test, X_train):
# Visualize SHAP values for a specific customer
customer_index = X_test[X_test['customerID'] == customer_id].index[0]
fig, ax_2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6), dpi=200)
shap.decision_plot(explainer.expected_value, shap_values_cat_test[customer_index], X_test[X_test['customerID'] == customer_id], link="logit")

def display_shap_summary(shap_values_cat_train, X_train):
# Create the plot summarizing the SHAP values
shap.summary_plot(shap_values_cat_train, X_train, plot_type="bar", plot_size=(12,12))
summary_fig, _ = plt.gcf(), plt.gca()

def display_shap_waterfall_plot(explainer, expected_value, shap_values, feature_names, max_display=20):
# Create SHAP waterfall drawing
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6), dpi=150)
shap.plots._waterfall.waterfall_legacy(expected_value, shap_values, feature_names=feature_names, max_display=max_display, show=False)

def summary(model, data, X_train, X_test):
# Calculate SHAP values
explainer, shap_values_cat_train, shap_values_cat_test = calculate_shap(model, X_train, X_test)

# Summarize and visualize SHAP values
display_shap_summary(shap_values_cat_train, X_train)

def plot_shap(model, data, customer_id, X_train, X_test):
# Calculate SHAP values
explainer, shap_values_cat_train, shap_values_cat_test = calculate_shap(model, X_train, X_test)

# Visualize SHAP values
plot_shap_values(model, explainer, shap_values_cat_train, shap_values_cat_test, customer_id, X_test, X_train)

# Waterfall
customer_index = X_test[X_test['customerID'] == customer_id].index[0]
display_shap_waterfall_plot(explainer, explainer.expected_value, shap_values_cat_test[customer_index], feature_names=X_test.columns, max_display=20)

st.title("Telco Customer Churn Project")

def main():
model = load_model()
data = load_data()

X_train = load_x_y("../data/X_train.pkl")
X_test = load_x_y("../data/X_test.pkl")
y_train = load_x_y("../data/y_train.pkl")
y_test = load_x_y("../data/y_test.pkl")

max_tenure = data['tenure'].max()
max_monthly_charges = data['MonthlyCharges'].max()
max_total_charges = data['TotalCharges'].max()

# Radio buttons for options
election = st.radio("Make Your Choice:", ("Feature Importance", "User-based SHAP", "Calculate the probability of CHURN"))
available_customer_ids = X_test['customerID'].tolist()

# If User-based SHAP option is selected
if election == "User-based SHAP":
# Customer ID text input
customer_id = st.selectbox("Choose the Customer", available_customer_ids)
customer_index = X_test[X_test['customerID'] == customer_id].index[0]
st.write(f'Customer {customer_id}: Actual value for the Customer Churn : {y_test.iloc[customer_index]}')
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
st.write(f"Customer {customer_id}: CatBoost Model's prediction for the Customer Churn : {y_pred[customer_index]}")
plot_shap(model, data, customer_id, X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test)

# If Feature Importance is selected
elif election == "Feature Importance":
summary(model, data, X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test)

# If Calculate CHURN Probability option is selected
elif election == "Calculate the probability of CHURN":
# Retrieving data from the user
customerID = "6464-UIAEA"
gender = st.selectbox("Gender:", ("Female", "Male"))
senior_citizen = st.number_input("SeniorCitizen (0: No, 1: Yes)", min_value=0, max_value=1, step=1)
partner = st.selectbox("Partner:", ("No", "Yes"))
dependents = st.selectbox("Dependents:", ("No", "Yes"))
tenure = st.number_input("Tenure:", min_value=0, max_value=max_tenure, step=1)
phone_service = st.selectbox("PhoneService:", ("No", "Yes"))
multiple_lines = st.selectbox("MultipleLines:", ("No", "Yes"))
internet_service = st.selectbox("InternetService:", ("No", "DSL", "Fiber optic"))
online_security = st.selectbox("OnlineSecurity:", ("No", "Yes"))
online_backup = st.selectbox("OnlineBackup:", ("No", "Yes"))
device_protection = st.selectbox("DeviceProtection:", ("No", "Yes"))
tech_support = st.selectbox("TechSupport:", ("No", "Yes"))
streaming_tv = st.selectbox("StreamingTV:", ("No", "Yes"))
streaming_movies = st.selectbox("StreamingMovies:", ("No", "Yes"))
contract = st.selectbox("Contract:", ("Month-to-month", "One year", "Two year"))
paperless_billing = st.selectbox("PaperlessBilling", ("No", "Yes"))
payment_method = st.selectbox("PaymentMethod:", ("Electronic check", "Mailed check", "Bank transfer (automatic)", "Credit card (automatic)"))
monthly_charges = st.number_input("Monthly Charges", min_value=0.0, max_value=max_monthly_charges, step=0.01)
total_charges = st.number_input("Total Charges", min_value=0.0, max_value=max_total_charges, step=0.01)

# Confirmation button
confirmation_button = st.button("Confirm")

# When the confirmation button is clicked
if confirmation_button:
# Convert user-entered data into a data frame
new_customer_data = pd.DataFrame({
"customerID": [customerID],
"gender": [gender],
"SeniorCitizen": [senior_citizen],
"Partner": [partner],
"Dependents": [dependents],
"tenure": [tenure],
"PhoneService": [phone_service],
"MultipleLines": [multiple_lines],
"InternetService": [internet_service],
"OnlineSecurity": [online_security],
"OnlineBackup": [online_backup],
"DeviceProtection": [device_protection],
"TechSupport": [tech_support],
"StreamingTV": [streaming_tv],
"StreamingMovies": [streaming_movies],
"Contract": [contract],
"PaperlessBilling": [paperless_billing],
"PaymentMethod": [payment_method],
"MonthlyCharges": [monthly_charges],
"TotalCharges": [total_charges]

# Predict churn probability using the model
churn_probability = model.predict_proba(new_customer_data)[:, 1]

# Format churn probability
formatted_churn_probability = "{:.2%}".format(churn_probability.item())

big_text = f"<h1>Churn Probability: {formatted_churn_probability}</h1>"
st.markdown(big_text, unsafe_allow_html=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 1: Setting Up
Streamlit app begins by importing necessary libraries, including Streamlit itself, Pandas for data manipulation, CatBoost for loading the trained model, and SHAP for visualizing model explanations.

Step 2: Data Loading and Model Loading
The app loads the preprocessed data and the trained CatBoost model. This ensures that we have the necessary data and model ready for inference.

Step 3: User Interface Components
The app provides a user interface with different options:

  • Feature Importance: Allows users to view the summary of feature importance based on SHAP values.
  • User-based SHAP: Enables users to select a specific customer and visualize the SHAP values for that customer, helping understand the model’s prediction rationale.
  • Calculate the probability of CHURN: Lets users input their data for a hypothetical customer and calculates the probability of churn using the trained model.

Step 4: Loading and Preparing User Data
If the user selects the “Calculate the probability of CHURN” option, the app prompts them to input various customer attributes such as gender, tenure, contract type, etc. Upon confirmation, the app formats this input data into a DataFrame and feeds it into the model to predict the probability of churn for the customer.

Step 5: Displaying Results
Finally, the app presents the results to the user. For the “Calculate the probability of CHURN” option, it displays the churn probability along with the input data in a formatted manner. For other options like “Feature Importance” and “User-based SHAP”, it generates visualizations to help users interpret the model’s behavior.

You can run this code from the terminal in the folder with the file named streamlit-app.py as follows

streamlit run streamlit-app.py
Image by author

We can see the application interface in the window that opens on localhost in the browser. This interface has different options such as the SHAP summary, SHAP data for a specific user, and the calculation of the churn probability of a customer based on new values entered by the user.

Feature Importance: We may want to take an overview of which features are decisive in the model’s decision-making process.

The order of importance of features for the created CatBoost model is as follows

User-based SHAP: We may want to know the criteria by which a particular customer’s model result was selected. Let’s take a look at the customer in our test set with customerID 6100-QQQQHEB.

6100-QQQQQQQHEB Customer’s churn values predicted by the model and actual churn values

It is seen that the customer with customerID 6100-QQQHEB is Churn according to the data set. Also, the model says that this customer will be Churn according to the training set it is trained. But this information is not enough. We may want to see based on which features it says that the customer will be Churn.

Features that influenced the model to make this decision

The SHAP chart in the photo shows that the customer with ID 6100-QQQQHEB has a Churn probability of over 80%. The model makes this decision because the user’s InternetService feature is Fiber Optic, Contract feature is Month-to-month, and PaymentMethod feature is Electronic check. Other features also confirm this decision but are negligible.

Similar inferences can be seen in another SHAP graph.

Features that influenced the model to make this decision

Calculate the probability of CHURN: Through the model and streamlit interface we have created, we can ask users to give new customer values and calculate the churn probability in line with these values.

Calculate the probability of CHURN 1
Calculate the probability of CHURN 2

According to the values entered, the churn probability of the new customer created was 71.33%.

Besides an interactive interface, it is vital to quickly and reliably convert the model into an API. API enables the model to be used by a wider audience, integrated with other applications and made easier to use. FastAPI is a good example of all these processes.

4. API (FastAPI)


FastAPI is a Python web framework for developing fast web applications and APIs. It is especially focused on performance, speed, and security, and is very useful for API development thanks to its asynchronous programming support and Python typing support.

Within the scope of the project, uvicorn was used to launch the FastAPI application. Uvicorn is a server application for Python web servers. It provides a fast installation like FastAPI. It is also very easy to use. Alternatives such as Gunicorn, Hypercorn, and Daphne can be used instead of Uvicorn. Which server to use depends on the requirements and performance expectations of the project.

To provide a simple API to the project, we created a Python file named fast-api.py in the project folder. The following code allows to create a fast API using uvicorn and FastAPI.

The API layer is constructed as follows:

import uvicorn
import pandas as pd
from fastapi import FastAPI
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier

# Path to the model
MODEL_PATH = "../model/cat_model.cbm"

# Function to load the trained model
def load_model():
model = CatBoostClassifier()
return model

# Function to predict churn probability from data in DataFrame format
def get_churn_probability(data, model):
# Convert incoming data into a DataFrame
dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index').T
# Make the prediction
churn_probability = model.predict_proba(dataframe)[0][1]
return churn_probability

# Load the model
model = load_model()

# Create the FastAPI application
app = FastAPI(title="Churn Prediction API", version="1.0")

def index():
return {'message': 'CHURN Prediction API'}

# Define the API endpoint
def predict_churn(data: dict):
# Get the prediction
churn_probability = get_churn_probability(data, model)
# Return the prediction
return {'Churn Probability': churn_probability}

# Run the application
if __name__ == '__main__':
uvicorn.run("fast-api:app", host='', port=5000)

Step 1: Setting Up
FastAPI script begins by importing necessary libraries, including FastAPI itself, Pandas for data manipulation, and CatBoost for loading the trained model.

Step 2: Loading the Model
The script defines a function load_model() to load the pre-trained CatBoost model from the specified path.

Step 3: Predicting Churn Probability
Another function get_churn_probability() is defined to predict churn probability from the input data in DataFrame format. This function converts the incoming data dictionary into a DataFrame and then uses the loaded model to predict the churn probability.

Step 4: Creating FastAPI Application
The FastAPI application is created with the title “Churn Prediction API” and version “1.0”.

Step 5: Defining API Endpoints
The / endpoint is defined to provide a simple message indicating the availability of the CHURN Prediction API.
- The /predict/ endpoint is defined to accept POST requests with data in JSON format. It calls the predict_churn() function, which in turn uses the loaded model to predict churn probability for the provided data.

Step 6: Running the Application
Finally, the application is run using the uvicorn.run() function. It specifies the script file (fast-api) and the FastAPI instance (app), along with host and port configurations.

You can start the API inside the folder containing thefast-api.pyfile as follows:

python fast-api.py
Image by author

We can see the API by going to the Host given to Uvicorn.


But to access the API we created, we need to add /docs or /redoc at the end of the extension (

API in localhost

The API created allows us to interactively see the churn probability of the customer we will create.

We can enter the generated customer data by clicking on Try it out under POST -> /predict/.


By pressing Execute, we evaluate the churn probability of the customer. If the API returns a successful response, we should see a result like below.

API answer

It is seen that the customer’s Churn probability is 62.8504%. Using the same customer data, we could also obtain the Churn probability via Streamlit.

Now that we have successfully built the Streamlit interface and API, it’s time to move the model to the product environment. In this process, the necessary work will be done to ensure that the model can be used comfortably on every platform and device.

5. Automation (Docker)


Docker is referred to as a containerization technology. Containers are used to run applications and their dependencies in an independent and isolated environment. A Docker container contains all the application code, libraries, and configuration files.

From this point on, we need to automate the model file that we know works in our system. So why do we need such a solution? A model that works properly on our system may not work on other systems due to issues such as compatibility. We need to standardize the model and make it work properly in the system components we build. Docker offers a good solution to avoid facing problems such as who has which packages installed on whose system, and who received an error at which stage. Besides all these, it provides portability, dependency management, isolation, and easier deployment.

In the first step, we created train_model.py file where the data preprocessing steps and the model are developed. Instead of working with this file, we will create predict.py, which contains the same process, but with an extra prediction section.

The model created in the train_model.py script needs to be saved to be used here. Edit the file path in the script below according to the file path where you saved the model.

predict.py file:

import pandas as pd
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier

# Load the trained model
MODEL_PATH = "model/cat_model.cbm"
model = CatBoostClassifier()

def predict_churn(user_input):
# Prepare data for prediction
user_data = pd.DataFrame([user_input])

# Make prediction
prediction = model.predict_proba(user_data)[:, 1][0]

return {"Churn Probability": float(prediction)}
except Exception as e:
return {"error": str(e)}

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Ask user for input
customerID = "6464-UIAEA"
print("Please enter the following information:")
gender = input("Gender (Male/Female): ").strip()
senior_citizen = int(input("Senior Citizen (0/1): ").strip())
partner = input("Partner (Yes/No): ").strip()
dependents = input("Dependents (Yes/No): ").strip()
tenure = int(input("Tenure (months): ").strip())
phone_service = input("Phone Service (Yes/No): ").strip()
multiple_lines = input("Multiple Lines (Yes/No): ").strip()
internet_service = input("Internet Service (DSL/Fiber optic/No): ").strip()
online_security = input("Online Security (Yes/No): ").strip()
online_backup = input("Online Backup (Yes/No): ").strip()
device_protection = input("Device Protection (Yes/No): ").strip()
tech_support = input("Tech Support (Yes/No): ").strip()
streaming_tv = input("Streaming TV (Yes/No): ").strip()
streaming_movies = input("Streaming Movies (Yes/No): ").strip()
contract = input("Contract (Month-to-month/One year/Two year): ").strip()
paperless_billing = input("Paperless Billing (Yes/No): ").strip()
payment_method = input("Payment Method (Electronic check/Mailed check/Bank transfer (automatic)/Credit card (automatic)): ").strip()
monthly_charges = float(input("Monthly Charges ($): ").strip())
total_charges = float(input("Total Charges ($): ").strip())

new_customer_data = pd.DataFrame({
"customerID": [customerID],
"gender": [gender],
"SeniorCitizen": [senior_citizen],
"Partner": [partner],
"Dependents": [dependents],
"tenure": [tenure],
"PhoneService": [phone_service],
"MultipleLines": [multiple_lines],
"InternetService": [internet_service],
"OnlineSecurity": [online_security],
"OnlineBackup": [online_backup],
"DeviceProtection": [device_protection],
"TechSupport": [tech_support],
"StreamingTV": [streaming_tv],
"StreamingMovies": [streaming_movies],
"Contract": [contract],
"PaperlessBilling": [paperless_billing],
"PaymentMethod": [payment_method],
"MonthlyCharges": [monthly_charges],
"TotalCharges": [total_charges]

# Predict churn probability using the model
churn_probability = model.predict_proba(new_customer_data)[:, 1]

# Format churn probability
formatted_churn_probability = "{:.2%}".format(churn_probability.item())

print(f"Churn Probability: {formatted_churn_probability}")

This Python script allows the user to predict churn using the pre-trained model. It converts the user’s input into a DataFrame and gives it to the model to make a prediction. The script ends by printing the result to the screen.

Requirements should be well specified in the Dockerfile created for the deployment of the model. At this stage, we continue by creating a requirements.txt file. There are several ways to create this file. Specific libraries used when creating the model can be specified manually. Or if you used virtual environments such as virtualenv, pip freeze, pipreqs or piqar can be used as a good option. However, it should be noted that pip freeze will save all the packages in the virtual environment, not the environment variables used in your work. You can review here for the use of pip freeze.

For this work, I used pip freeze and created the requirements.txt file in the project folder:


Dockerfile is a configuration file that determines the structure of Docker containers. It contains instructions such as how to run the application and which dependencies should be installed. Docker creates a container using this Dockerfile and converts this container into a file called an “image”. This “image” then becomes executable on any system.

After creating the requirements.txt file, we can create the Dockerfile:

# Use a Python-based image
FROM python:3.9-slim

# Copy requirements.txt and install dependencies
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Specify working directory

# Copy application code
COPY . .

# Run the application
CMD ["python", "src/predict.py"]

Step 1: Base Image Selection
We start by specifying the base image that provides the minimum Python environment in which the container will be created (python:3.9-slim).

Step 2: Installing Dependencies
Copy the requirements.txt file from the host machine to the container and install the dependencies listed in it using pip.

Step 3: Setting the Working Directory and Copying Application Code
Set the working directory to /app. Copy all files and directories from the host machine to the /app directory within the container.

Step 4: Running the Application
Execute the predict.py script using the Python interpreter as the default command when the container starts.

To continue at this stage of the project, after installing Docker and creating the necessary files, we can go to the directory where the Dockerfile is located and build it as follows.

docker build -t churn-prediction-app .
Image by author
Image by author

You can see if the Dockerfile has been successfully built with the command below:

Images list

We have done the build, we can run the image we created in the terminal.

docker run -it churn-prediction-app

We can see the result of the model by entering the customer information we want to see the churn probability in order.


Through Docker, we can see the Churn probability of the customer we created for prediction in Streamlit and FastAPI. Users who want to predict the model we have created can access this convenience by building and running the Dockerfile.

6. Conclusion

During the development of the project, a machine learning model was developed using CatBoost with customer data provided by the telecom company. To examine the model interactively, an interface was designed using Streamlit. In addition, an API was created with FastAPI to quickly access and integrate the model. Finally, optimization was achieved using Docker to make the project more scalable and deployable.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Hasan Avcı for his support during this journey and to inzva for the opportunities they provided.

Thank you for reading and please do not hesitate to share your comments and suggestions.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramazanolmez/
Mail: ramazanolmeez@gmail.com

