5 Things I Learned In My Early 20s

Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.

Ramesh Thiyagarajan
6 min readAug 30, 2022
5 lessons i learned during my 20s
Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

Being in your twenties can be challenging, exciting and worrying. Take advantage of your time as a young adult, to discover where you fit in the broader scheme of things, who you really are and what you want to be!

It’s an age at which a boy/girl becomes a man/woman.

At some point, everyone would experience immaturity, the fear of failure, the fear of losing someone, and the fear of exploring things we are afraid of, and even at some point, everyone would have a real fear of “what we ought to do”.

Unexpectedly, we get the answers to all the above questions/fears in the same decade. This is the period in which you will learn your life lessons, which will help you structure your life in an effective way.

Am in the middle of my 20s, and here are some 5Things/truths I have learned so far.

#1 No Matter What You Will Be Judged.

There will be a set of people in everyone’s life who keep on criticising us for our actions.

At any level, we will be judged by someone on something we do.

You can either be positive, foolish, confident, or adamant. we all will be judged by others because we didn’t do what they expected us to do.

But the perspective of others should not define who you are.

You should have a clear picture of who you are and who you will be.

Make sure you start taking risks towards that because many people you think are happy about you aren’t. They just wondered how you make things happen continuously.

There will be some genuine people who really care about you, the people who will be with you when you are at your lowest are the one who shapes you.

At some point you will be judged by the person you love/trust the most, the person with whom you used to share everything, the person whom you trusted blindly. It may hit you harder than anything else.

In life, whatever you do will be beneficial to someone, and yet, others will be offended by your actions. So even if you do worthwhile things, you will be criticised in the end.

Always trust your instincts, and take action. Don’t blindly follow the perspective of others.

#2 Regrets hurt more than failure, don’t hold back yourself

Failure is nothing when compared with the Pain of Regrets.

Regret comes when you keep holding yourself back from doing something you love. The main reason for this is fear of failure/fear of taking that risk.

What happens if I fail, what if I can’t achieve it?

Although calculations are so important in life, if they stop us from doing what we love, that is uncertain.

We all would have thought of structuring our career toward a certain direction, but many of us would have not even tried working towards it due to many reasons.

We would not have done it because what would happen if I lost? How it would impact our career, life and our family.

Yeah, your thinking is obvious, but we will not forget it till the end.

If you are thinking of doing something 100 times, just give it a go.

Even though you fail it’s fine. You will be satisfied that at least you have tried, at least you know how it will be.

We think failing will portray us as a loser, but failing is better than not trying.

While it may affect you in different scenarios, you will not regret it.

Regrets are the hardest thing to carry when u get older.

#3 You are not Struggled to Get Results, you Struggled to Stay Focused

5 Lessons I learned on my 20s
Photo by Rachel Claire from Pexels

Oftentimes, we blame the circumstances rather than ourselves for not being focused enough to be consistent to obtain a successful result.

We always tend to blame the distractions we get along the way. There are only people who are more precise and focused on their goals who can avoid distractions.

Someone who doesn’t have the urge to need something does not deserve to have it.

If you want to achieve something, start working towards it. Start planning your small steps. Start writing down the ideas, and start focusing on the process.

Design your system around your goal, which will get you there at some point.

#4 Self-education is the most effective education

In a world where technology is so prevalent, we have the ability to learn as no humans have done before. One crazy invention has given us access to an endless amount of information, Google.

In the past, people used to go to libraries to look for books that had the answers to their questions. However, now, from our laptops and our smartphones, we have access to an endless number of books, videos, and other materials.

The world we live in today is much better than what our parents had when they were younger. As such, it is not fair to use excuses like we don’t have anyone to teach us something, or we don’t have the right resources.

And at the same time having a common degree will not be enough. It will just put us in the same race where others are chasing promotions and raises.

Even by the time we graduate from college, we realize that the strategies and lessons we learned are outdated or won’t be sufficient for current generations.

So always educate yourself, there is no end to learning.

#5 You don’t have to be more talented, just have to be consistent

Success isn’t always about greatness, it’s about Consistency. Consistent Hardwork Leads to Success.

You don’t need to be talented to achieve success, you have to be consistent.

You may not have enough talent to finish reading a book within a month, no problem read 10 pages a day. Do it consistently till you finish one book.

It may take someone to finish it in just a week, it’s fine you can take 2 months to finish a book.

Here the goal is to finish a book and gain knowledge from it. Not to finish it as early as you can.

Consistency is the key to success, if you want to reach massive success in any field start trying to work for it at least 1 hour a day.

Do it consistently every day without fail, try to make that a habit and stick to it.

This 1 hour per day practice will be accumulated and one day it will give you a massive success that you would have never expected.

Don’t underestimate the power of habits.

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I hope you find this helpful, Happy Reading :)



Ramesh Thiyagarajan

DevOps Engineer | Blogger | Creating a life i dreamed of :)