6 Hard Skills that Pays you Forever

Quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits -James Clear

Ramesh Thiyagarajan
6 min readAug 8, 2022
6 Hard Skills that pays your forever
Credit @glenncarstenspeters

Many of the skills you learn lose their effectiveness within a short period of time. By focusing on earlier results, we tend to lose sight of the skills that will benefit us for a longer period.

But it requires consistent practice. However, when you do master them it will pay off forever because it can be applied all the time and it will have a significant impact on your lifestyle.

Let’s examine 6 skills that will pay off forever. These are the skills everyone should learn and master to lead a successful lifestyle.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment is the process of identifying security issues and assessing their potential impact on life. In addition to risks, we look at the likelihood that they will occur, how likely it is that they can be managed effectively and whether there are alternative options. This is one of the common skills you will hear in a corporate environment. But actually, these skills can be developed based on experiences,

We can actually practice how to assess any risk in our life and take decisions based on the assessment. Decisions were made on different components like Choice, preferences and information. Based on these criteria a decision can be made in any circumstance.

Usually, we make decisions based on our emotional state, which puts us in a vulnerable position.

We can shape our attitude towards making flawless decisions even during high-pressure moments.

Studying risk assessment and analyzing the decision you made recently will remarkably improve your decision-making skills.

It will let you know how it could be made better.

This Self-realization will remind you of the mistake you have made already when you get to face a similar kind of situation all over again.

Time Management

6 Hard Skills that Pays you Forever: Time Management
Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

Managing your time is managing your life. You will hear this statement often from everywhere. Everyone only gets 24 hours, and how we choose to spend them efficiently makes the difference.

The ability to prioritize and organize your daily tasks makes a huge difference to your quality of life and lifestyle. You will end up having way more time on a day after accomplishing your important tasks first instead of unknowingly wasting your time on unimportant/unintended tasks.

Try to create a system and stick to it, while creating a system you will automatically prioritize the important tasks first. Keeping it on track will ensure that you do not fall victim to any distractions or habits that may disrupt your time management cycle.

Document your tasks/works you will be spending more time on a daily basis. This will allow you to understand how you spend your day.

Self Analysis

Self Analysis is an ability to explore personal thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Even though it seems like a cakewalk, many of us don’t engage in self-analysis.

Just think of when was the last time you focused on your own thoughts and emotions!

How many of you are thinking, not even once …

Examining our own thoughts and the way we respond to any situation, will help us understand the mistakes we do and realize the best approach we would have done to handle it better.

Self-examination will help us to improve our mentality and create new boundaries. This will subconsciously trigger our brain to think about life goals which you would have never had the courage to think about before.

Additionally, this will help you develop your character and understand yourself better instead of following what others are doing.

This will let you understand the hidden habits which you have been doing unknowingly and slows down your process.

If you are intending to introduce and follow any brand-new habit, then the most effective way to add that habit into your system is by tracking it on a daily basis.

Lastly, Self Analysis will help you structure your system and reveal your hidden flaws, which you can correct as always.

Start doing self-analysis and start shaping your life.

Finance and money management

6 Hard Skills that Pays you Forever: Money Management
Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash

Finance and money management is the discipline that teaches people how to make wise investments, handle money responsibly, and manage funds as part of their overall financial well-being.

Understanding or learning money management can literally make or break your life. More than making money you should know how to handle the money wisely so that you will not work for money your whole life.

If you properly handle it and find a way to make passive income streams, it will pay you back at some point when you can stop running behind money and attain your wealth at an early age.

We all will be running behind in making money or trying to learn what are the different ways to make a large amount of money. When we start earning a lot, most of us will not know how to handle money.

Just imagine suddenly we get millions of dollars in our hands, what will you do with that?

How will you save it from inflation, and what are the ideas you have to double it?

Making money will become a lot easier once you have a good plan, have some financial goals and start implementing it slowly.

Educate yourself about how money works, learn about cash flows and how to make money work for you. Start by reading basic books on personal finance.

Whether it is a personal or a business budget, make monthly and yearly budgets and stick to them.

Pay Yourself First: One of the first and foremost things you should do once you start earning money is to start an emergency fund.

Public Speaking

6 Hard Skills that Pays you Forever: Public Speaking
Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash

Public speaking is one of the toughest skills to develop, particularly for introverts like me.

Public speaking is an essential skill to master which will be used either in corporate or at your own business.

If you suck at explaining your own ideas in front of a bunch of people, or you will always avoid speaking in front of others.

You are not alone ..

We might be wondering how others out there are naturally skilled at public speaking. They don’t even try or practice. But it comes out very naturally for them.

They are not tensed, so they won’t feel like speaking on stage. They will just feel like having a conversation with others.

Never doubt your skills. Don’t worry about what others will say about your speech.

At first, we all make mistakes, but we can correct them by practising frequently. In addition, we have the ability to improve our communication skills through repeated practice and by reading correct books.

Again public speaking will come naturally once you start speaking out your ideas to others.

It feels embarrassing at first, but eventually, you will get used to it.


Meta-Learning is a set of short skills you learn which will improve your ability to learn other skills.

One part of meta-learning is to develop multiple solutions to one problem and choose the most appropriate and effective one. There are a lot of specific skills you can learn, but if you don’t know how to learn then you will never be able to experience their maximum potential.

Meta-Learning is basically a science of understanding how your brain stores information and the kind of mechanism your brain uses to retrieve that information.

The concept of meta-learning is also used in Machine Learning to improve the efficiency of taking automatic decisions.

There are many skills to learn regarding meta-learning in particular. You can start with time management, energy management and techniques you use to take your notes. These are some of the basic and common meta learnings you can start with to ensure that you are optimizing your whole learning journey.

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Ramesh Thiyagarajan

DevOps Engineer | Blogger | Creating a life i dreamed of :)