Of TV Ads, Movies, Models and Rapes in India

This is not one of those articles where the writer bitches about the sexy TV ads, Movies, Actresses and others. On the contrary, this article gives an insight into Why Men Rape and why the TV ads, movies or the model scenes are not going to change.

Our Basic Instincts:

As human being, we have a few basic instincts. They are Breath, Drink, Eat, Sex and Survival. These instincts are ingrained into our sub-conscious mind. If we did not have these instincts, our existence would not have been possible.

Psychology and Human Behavior:

Every book of psychology, every study of human behavior says these. The best way to convey your message to your audience, is by speaking to the sub-conscious mind directly. Each and every brand spends tons of money, in their attempt to appeal to the sub-conscious mind of humans.

The easiest way to appeal to the sub-conscious mind is by targeting one or more basic instincts. Such messages are accepted by most of the target audience, and they are also the ones which stays in their mind the longest.

Marketing with Basic Instinct:

The best form of marketing is when one of the basic instinct is targeted. The marketers are taught this in their school and college. The best of the best, are able to blend the basic instincts well into the marketing message, thus leaving a lasting impact on the viewers.

Breathing is not yet a commodity. There is no scarcity of it yet. Water, Food, Sex and Survival are target areas for marketers. Survival usually resolves around savings, and protection. We have all seen great ads where the food pictures or videos are very attractive to us.

The last one is sex. When the product is not really addressing any of the other basic instincts directly or indirectly, marketers throw in sex into the mix. Because, without targeting any of the basic instincts, it is very difficult to leave a mark.

Hence, comes the phrase, Sex Sells.

It is usually better, if you are appeal to more than one basic instinct. Hence, even along with food, water, or survival, marketers throw in some sex to appeal to more basic instincts.

Use of Women:

Men and women react differently to sex.

Men are attracted towards women. Deep inside, their is a desire to “have them”. The more sexier the women are, the stronger is the appeal to the inner core brain of men.

Women want to be like other sexy women. Women want to attract men towards them, hence, they want to look beautiful and sexy. Hence, they are attracted towards sexy women, in a desire to compare themselves with them.

There are also cases, where men want to like other men(celebrities) and women have deep inside, a desire to “have some men”(celebrities again). However, these desires are secondary and the previous mentioned ones are primary. Or majortiy of the people fall under the previous ones, and very few fall under the second category.

Hence, the need to sex up women in advertisements, pictures, movies and every other place. We do find a few places, when the secondary feeling is also used, by the use of male celebrities and models. But they are minority and will continue to be the minority.

Stopping basic instinct:

Imagine, you are forced to “not eat” or “feed less”. Well, we do not need to imagine. This used to happen to slaves. They were treated as in-humans, not given food, and water. While there were many who used to obey it, it always resulted in rebels. These people would steal food, or attack their masters or attack anyone (rich or poor) to get food. Many a times, it used to get worse and people get hurt or killed.

Unfortunately, we are promoting a culture where people are forced to “not have sex” or “deprived of sex”. Increasingly, our society is creating a divide. Not of rich or poor, but of those who have easy access to sex and those who do not have access. While many people are obeying to such rules, there are a few who are rebeling. Some of them attack their masters (wifes, sisters, girls, etc) who are easy target. Some of them attack outsiders from whom they seem it is easy. At times it gets even worse and results in people getting hurt or killed

The Solution:

The slavery was stopped not by getting more restrictions to access to food, but by opening up access to food. Almost everyone is having access to food and they do not go hungry. Plans are on to provide basic food to a few minority who are still not having access to food.

This has not stopped high end restaurants, or street-side food. Have you heard of a crime, where people attacked a high-end restaurant, because they do not have good food. Nope. People attack places that are easy targets, when they do not have access to food.

Proposed Solution:

While most of the people suggest putting more restrictions in place. Banning porn, making prostitution illegal, stopping women from going out, or dressing up are some of the suggestions. These, I am afraid will have a negative impact. The instances of rape and others are not going to stop.

The solution might be in opening up our culture. It could start by just saying “it is natural to have desire to have sex”, “it is okay to engage in sex for both men and women”, etc. It would help in legalizing prostitution and porn. By lifting of the mask off, and allowing the society and culture to engage in sex, both men and women would have their basic instincts addressed. They would have access to sex, and that would stop more crime from happening.


