The Thundermans Return Was a Major Disappointment

Natalie Ramirez
2 min readAug 27, 2024


A promo for the movie

The return of the Thundermans promised a reunion of beloved characters, a rekindling of the blend of humor and superpowers that defined the original series. But unfortunately, “The Thundermans Return” is a huge disappointment, a film (if you could even call it that) that not only fails to capture the essence of its predecessor but actively undermines it.

The film’s narrative is a chaotic whirlwind of nonsensical plot points, careening from one absurd scenario to the next without a semblance of logical progression. The meteoric catastrophe that serves as the initial catalyst is quickly overshadowed by a series of increasingly ludicrous events, each more implausible than the last. The once-charming Thundermans family is transformed into one-dimensional caricatures, their witty banter replaced by forced and predictable dialogue. The characters’ actions often defy logic, making it difficult for viewers to invest in their journey.

The film’s humor is a painful departure from the clever wit and charm of the original series. Relying heavily on slapstick and juvenile gags, the comedy feels forced and out of place. The once-endearing Thunderman siblings, Max and Phoebe, have lost their spark, replaced by bland archetypes that lack the depth and complexity that made them fan favorites. Their dynamic, once a cornerstone of the show, is reduced to predictable squabbles and forced camaraderie.

The supporting cast fares no better. Hank and Barb, the parents, are transformed into bland and uninteresting characters, their comedic timing completely off. The world of Hiddenville feels lifeless and generic, devoid of any memorability

Source: Alex Meyers

The film’s visual effects are a mixed bag. While there are moments of impressive CGI, they are interspersed with scenes of questionable quality that detract from the overall experience. The action sequences, often relying on frantic editing and excessive use of slow motion, lack the excitement and impact of their predecessors.

Perhaps most disappointing is the film’s failure to capitalize on the mythology established in the original series. The Thundermans’ superhero abilities, once a source of wonder and excitement, are treated with a casual indifference that undermines their significance. I know it’s been three years, but come on, do SOMETHING! The villains, a group of underwhelming offspring, lack the charisma and menace of any antagonist.

“The Thundermans Return” is a missed opportunity on every level. It is a film that lacks heart, humor, and coherence, a pale imitation of the beloved series it seeks to emulate. Fans of the original show will be left feeling disappointed and frustrated, while newcomers are unlikely to be captivated by this lackluster offering.

In the end, “The Thundermans Return” is a lightning strike that misses its mark, leaving behind only a sense of disappointment and a longing for the magic of the original series.



Natalie Ramirez

Hey, folks. My name is Natalie, but you can call me Nat. Latina from Orange County, CA. Podcast junkie. TikTok: @nataliemirez