Reading configurations in Scala

Ram Karnani
2 min readApr 29, 2019


There are multiple ways to read the configuration files in Scala but here are two of my most preferred approaches depending on the structure of the configurations:

Reading configurations from JSON-type .conf files

Use this approach when you have to specify multiple interrelated configurations (wherein some of them might be related to each other). All you need to do is- bucket these configurations under different headers.

Consider the following illustration:-


com.ram.batch {
spark {
app-name = "my-app"
master = "local"
log-level = "INFO"
mysql {
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/ram" // Ignore PORT if its 3306
username = "root"
password = "mysql"

In the above file, you bucket the configurations related to spark/mysql under the respective headers to improve the readability. You can also have nested structures with any depth using approach.

So, lets see how to read these configurations:

  1. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
<version>1.2.0</version> // You can change this version

2. Use the following lines of code to read the config parameters:

// Assuming that application.conf is in the root folder of your application// ConfigFactory looks for the name application.conf by default so you need not give this nameval config = ConfigFactory.load("application.conf").getConfig("com.ram.batch") val sparkConfig = config.getConfig("spark")val mysqlConfig = config.getConfig("mysql")val appName = sparkConfig.getString(BatchConstants.GET_APP_NAME)println(appName) // prints my-app

Reading configurations from .properties file

Use this approach when you have a set of unrelated configurations and you need to bundle them in a single file(this file may be environment specific i.e. stage/dev/prod)

Consider the following illustration:-


In the above file, you specify the configurations simply as a key-value map i.e. as a set of properties.

Use the following snippet to read this type of properties:

// Assuming that is in the root folder of your applicationval url = getClass.getResource("")
val properties: Properties = new Properties()

if (url != null) {
val source = Source.fromURL(url)
else {
logger.error("properties file cannot be loaded at path " +path)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Properties file cannot be loaded);

val table = properties.getProperty("hbase_table_name")
val zquorum = properties.getProperty("localhost")
val port = properties.getProperty("2181")

That’s it!

Hope it helps. :)

