Use React.memo easy way


Photo by Qijin Xu on Unsplash

React.memo: memo lets you skip re-rendering a component when its props are unchanged.

Wrap a component in memo to get a memoized version of that component. This memoized component will not be rendered while the parent component of it’s re-render as long as its props have not changed. But react may still render it: memoization is a performance optimization, but not guarantee.

By using React.memo, React app only renders when the props change.

🤞✨ child component

import React, { memo } from "react";

function Child({ name }) {
return (
<h1>Child Component</h1>

export default memo(Child);

🤞✨ parent component

import Child from "./child";

export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Child name="apple" />



Ramnayan Yadav

Passionate about web development, frontend development & DSA problem solving.