Unpacking the Best: Comparing Webpack, Vite, and Turbopack for Modern Developers

Ahmad Muzaki
10 min readJun 11, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, efficient management and optimization of assets have become paramount. Enter modern bundlers and builders like Webpack, Vite, and Turbopack, which revolutionize the way developers handle their code. These tools streamline the development process by bundling JavaScript, CSS, and other assets into cohesive, performant packages. By leveraging advanced features such as hot module replacement, code splitting, and caching, these bundlers and builders significantly enhance the speed and efficiency of development workflows, ensuring that developers can deliver robust, scalable applications with ease.

In modern web development, choosing the right build tool can significantly impact our project’s performance, development speed, and overall efficiency. This article compares three popular build tools: Webpack, Vite, and Turbopack. Each of these tools has its own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding their differences can help you make an informed decision for your next project.

Before we talk about the bundler libraries as we mention above, let’s talk about Bundler in General.

A bundler is a tool in software development that processes and combines multiple files and assets into a single file or a smaller number of files. This process helps optimize the loading and execution of a web application by reducing the number of HTTP requests required and by applying various optimizations to the assets.

Key Functions of a Bundler

  1. Combining Files: Merges multiple files into one or a few files to reduce HTTP requests.
  2. Minification: Reduces the file size by removing unnecessary characters (like spaces and comments) without affecting functionality.
  3. Transpilation: Converts code written in modern JavaScript (ES6+) or other languages (TypeScript, JSX) into older versions of JavaScript that are compatible with older browsers.
  4. Code Splitting: Breaks down the codebase into smaller chunks that can be loaded on demand, improving initial load times.
  5. Tree Shaking: Eliminates dead code (unused parts of the code) to create smaller bundles.
  6. Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Allows modules to be updated in real-time without requiring a full page reload, enhancing development speed.
  7. Asset Management: Manages and optimizes other assets like CSS, images, fonts, etc., ensuring they are correctly processed and included in the bundle.

Benefits of Using a Bundler

  • Performance Optimization: Reduces load times by minimizing the number of requests and optimizing the size of files.
  • Development Efficiency: Provides features like HMR and easy asset management that streamline the development workflow.
  • Compatibility: Ensures that code written in modern JavaScript or other languages is compatible with all browsers.
  • Maintainability: Helps manage dependencies and modular code, making the codebase easier to maintain.


Webpack is a highly configurable module bundler that has been a staple in web development for years. It packages code and its dependencies into static files for deployment.

Prerequisites and Installation


  • Node.js (v12.x or later)
  • npm or yarn


npm install - save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env html-webpack-plugin


  • Highly Configurable: Webpack offers extensive customization options through its configuration file, allowing for detailed adjustments to meet project needs.
  • Rich Ecosystem: There are many plugins and loaders available to handle various tasks, such as transpiling JavaScript and optimizing images.
  • Code Splitting: Webpack efficiently splits code into smaller chunks, improving page load times.
  • Tree Shaking: It removes unused code to optimize bundle size, enhancing performance.


  • Steep Learning Curve: Understanding and configuring Webpack can be challenging, especially for beginners.
  • Complex Configuration: Webpack configuration files can become very complex and verbose, adding development overhead.
  • Slower Build Times: Compared to newer tools like Vite, Webpack tends to have slower build times, particularly for large projects.

Example Configuration

Here is a simple example of a Webpack configuration file:

// webpack.config.js
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: './src/index.js',
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: 'babel-loader'
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: './src/index.html'

Example Script

// package.json
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack - mode production",
"start": "webpack serve - open"


webpack builds in react application

Server Compatibility

Highly compatible with various server environments and integrates seamlessly with modern web frameworks. Requires configuration but is well-documented and widely supported.


Vite, developed by Evan You (creator of Vue.js), provides a faster and leaner development experience. It uses native ES modules during development and bundles code using Rollup for production.

Prerequisites and Installation

  1. Pre-requisites:
  • Node.js (v14.x or later)
  • npm or yarn

2. Installation:

npm create vite


  • Instant Server Start: Vite has an extremely fast development server startup, allowing you to begin development without delay.
  • Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Vite provides immediate updates without needing to reload the entire page, improving development efficiency.
  • Optimized Build: It uses Rollup for efficient production builds, ensuring your code is well-optimized for deployment.
  • Framework Agnostic: Vite supports multiple frameworks, including Vue, React, and Preact out of the box, offering flexibility in technology choices.


  • Smaller Ecosystem: Although rapidly growing, Vite’s ecosystem is still smaller compared to Webpack, which may limit plugin and additional tool options.
  • Less Mature: As a newer tool, even with a stable functionality, there are many radical changes on every version to accommodate more use cases, making the development of plugin sometimes unstable..
  • Limited Community Support: While the Vite community is expanding, the resources and support available are still less extensive than those for Webpack.

Example Configuration

Here is a basic example of setting up Vite for a React project:

// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()]

Example Script

// package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build",
"serve": "vite preview"


vite build in react application

Server Compatibility

Excellent compatibility with popular frontend frameworks like Vue, React, and Preact. Supports SSR with frameworks like Nuxt.js and SvelteKit. Instant server start and smooth integration with most projects.


Turbopack is a modern bundler developed by the team behind Next.js. It is designed to offer an extremely fast and efficient build process, leveraging Rust for performance-critical tasks. It is designed by some Webpack developers.

Prerequisites and Installation

  1. Pre-requisites:
  • Node.js (v14.x or later)
  • npm or yarn

2. Installation:

npm create vite


  • Lightning Fast : Turbopack promises significantly faster build and hot module replacement times compared to Webpack
  • Incremental Computation : It efficiently handles changes, reducing rebuild times and enhancing development productivity by a distributed and incremental behavior. The Turbo engine works like a scheduler for function calls, allowing calls to functions to be parallelized across all available cores.
  • Rust-Based : Utilizing Rust, Turbopack benefits from high performance in handling heavy tasks.
  • Function-level caching : Turbopack can mark certain functions as ‘to be remembered’. When these functions are called, the Turbo engine will remember what they were called with, and what they returned. It’ll then save it in an in-memory cache.


  • Super Early Development: While it was designed as platform agnostic, currently it is still only usable on next.js.
  • Smaller Community and Ecosystem: Turbopack has a smaller community and ecosystem compared to Webpack and Vite, which might limit available plugins and community support.
  • Limited Documentation: The documentation for Turbopack isn’t really helping much, most of it just a technical showcase for its function and limited configuration documentation.

Example Configuration

Here is a basic example of setting up Turbopack with Next.js:

// turbo.config.js
module.exports = {
experimental: {
turbo: {
rules: {
'*.svg': {
loaders: ['@svgr/webpack'],
as: '*.js', },

Example Script

// package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "turbo dev",
"build": "turbo build",


nextjs build with turbopack

Server Compatibility

Optimized for use with Next.js but designed to be framework-agnostic. Aims for easy integration, particularly with Next.js, simplifying the setup process.


The benchmarks compare the performance of 3 bundlers: Webpack, Vite, and Turbopack, using Turbopack’s benchmark cases, which include 1000 React components. The benchmarks measure four key metrics: Startup time, Hot Module Replacement (HMR) for both root and leaf components, and Production Build time.

benchmark for each bundler

Startup Time: This measures the time it takes for the bundler to initially start and be ready to serve the application.

  • Webpack: Takes the longest to start at 8035ms.
  • Vite: Starts much faster at 3078ms.
  • Turbopack: Starts relatively quickly at 3731ms, but still slower than Vite.

HMR (Root Component): This measures the time it takes to apply Hot Module Replacement (HMR) to a root component, which is critical for a smooth development experience.

  • Webpack: Takes 345ms to apply HMR to the root component.
  • Vite: Significantly faster at 35ms.
  • Turbopack: Takes 62ms, faster than Webpack but slower than Vite.

HMR (Leaf Component): This measures the time it takes to apply HMR to a leaf component, which typically involves fewer dependencies.

  • Webpack: Takes 265ms for leaf component HMR.
  • Vite: Extremely fast at 18ms.
  • Turbopack: Takes 54ms, faster than Webpack but slower than Vite.

Production Build Time: This measures the time it takes to create a production-ready build of the application.

  • Webpack: Takes the longest at 11321ms.
  • Vite: Significantly faster at 2266ms.
  • Turbopack: Takes 6442ms, which is faster than Webpack but slower than Vite.

Benchmark Summary

From these benchmarks, we can see the clear differences in performance across the bundlers:

  • Webpack: While being highly customizable with a vast ecosystem, Webpack shows the longest startup and production build times. Its HMR times are also the slowest, making it less ideal for fast iterative development.
  • Vite: Vite excels in both startup time and HMR performance, providing a near-instantaneous development experience. Its production build time is also very quick, making it a strong candidate for both development and deployment efficiency.
  • Turbopack: Turbopack demonstrates a balanced performance, being faster than Webpack but not quite as quick as Vite. Its startup and HMR times are competitive, and it offers better production build times than Webpack, making it a viable option, especially for those using Next.js.


In the process of deploying our application, understanding how each bundler builds and prepares code for production is crucial. This includes examining their optimization capabilities, build times, plugin ecosystems, and any limitations they might have. Here, we compare three popular bundlers: Webpack, Vite, and Turbopack.


Webpack is a robust and versatile bundler known for its extensive tools for optimizing and preparing code for production. It supports features like minification, code splitting, and asset optimization, making it a go-to choice for many developers.


  • Highly customizable build process: Webpack allows fine-grained control over the build configuration, enabling developers to tailor the build process to their specific needs.
  • Extensive plugin ecosystem: With a wide range of plugins available, Webpack can handle almost any build requirement, from processing specific file types to optimizing performance.


  • Complex to configure for optimal performance: The flexibility of Webpack comes with a steep learning curve, and configuring it for optimal performance can be challenging, especially for large projects.
  • Longer build times can delay deployment: Webpack’s build process can be slower compared to newer bundlers, which might affect deployment speed, particularly in large projects.

Deployment Example:

# Dockerfile for Webpack-built application
FROM node:20 AS build
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:alpine
COPY --from=build /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]


Vite uses Rollup for development, ensuring efficient bundling, extensibility, and optimization. For production builds, Vite leverages ESBuild for faster minification and transpilation, offering a balanced approach to both development and production stages.


  • Simple and efficient build configuration: Vite’s configuration is straightforward, making it easy to set up and use, which reduces the initial setup time.
  • Flexible and robust plugin system: Vite offers a flexible plugin system that covers a wide range of use cases, from handling various file types to advanced optimizations.
  • Faster build times, facilitating quicker deployments: Thanks to ESBuild, Vite’s build times are significantly faster, which can expedite the deployment process.


  • Smaller ecosystem may limit advanced deployment configurations: While Vite’s ecosystem is growing, it is still smaller compared to Webpack, which might limit options for more complex deployment needs.

Deployment Example:

# Dockerfile for Vite-built application
FROM node:20 AS build
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM nginx:alpine
COPY --from=build /app/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]


Turbopack is designed to produce highly optimized builds by leveraging a function-level caching strategy, which is particularly effective for scenarios like Static Page Generation and Incremental Site Generation. It uses Rust for efficiency, resulting in faster build times.


  • Extremely fast build times, reducing deployment latency: Turbopack’s use of Rust and advanced caching techniques ensures very fast build times, which can significantly reduce the time it takes to deploy updates.
  • Built-in optimizations tailored for performance: Turbopack includes several optimizations out of the box, which can improve the performance of the final build without extensive manual configuration.


  • Still in early development, which might result in less stability and documentation: As a newer tool, Turbopack might lack the stability and comprehensive documentation found in more mature bundlers, potentially leading to issues during implementation.
  • Limited ecosystem and documentation compared to more mature tools: The ecosystem around Turbopack is not as developed, which could limit the availability of plugins and community support.
  • Limited to Next.js for now: Turbopack is currently tailored for use with Next.js, which might restrict its applicability to other frameworks and projects.

Deployment Example:

# Dockerfile for Turbopack-built application
FROM node:20 AS build
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
RUN npm run export

FROM nginx:alpine
COPY --from=build /app/out /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]


Based on the comparison, here are some recommendations for choosing the right tool for your project:

For Large, Complex Projects: Use Webpack if your project requires extensive customization and a mature ecosystem. Webpack’s flexibility and rich plugin ecosystem make it suitable for complex build processes.

For Modern Web Applications: Use Vite if you prioritize fast development speeds and simplicity. Vite’s quick server start and hot module replacement make it ideal for projects that benefit from rapid iteration.

For High-Performance Requirements: Try Turbopack if you need extremely fast build times and efficient handling of large-scale applications. Turbopack is particularly suitable for projects using Next.js and those that demand high performance.

