Preparing for the Road: A Guide for New Drivers

Ramprasad Gopalakrishnan
4 min readJan 5, 2024


new driver who is anxious. AI generated image

Introduction: I’ve compiled these notes to assist new drivers, particularly those navigating the roads of the USA. However, these tips are universally applicable, ensuring a smooth driving experience for everyone.

Learn the Controls in your car:

While mastering the use of the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes is essential, I also strongly recommend becoming familiar with these controls. Make it a habit to do so every time you drive a new car.

Turn Signals — It is crucial to communicate your intentions to fellow drivers on the road. Turn signals serve as a vital indicator, informing others about your plans, whether it’s changing lanes or slowing down before making a turn.

Windshield Wipers — While some cars feature automatic rain detection, it’s essential to know how to operate your windshield wipers manually. Familiarize yourself with adjusting the wiper speed to match the intensity of the rain, ensuring clear visibility.

Adjust Mirrors — Ensuring properly adjusted mirrors is crucial for obtaining the best possible view of traffic. This practice enhances overall safety and promotes confident driving.

Adjust Seat — Take the time to adjust your seat for optimal comfort. New drivers often tend to position the seats too close to the steering wheel, which can result in insufficient thigh support and lead to abrupt acceleration and braking. Sit in a relaxed position, ensuring your legs’ weight is not resting heavily on the pedals (accelerator or brake).

Emergency Hazard Lights — In case of an issue, it’s crucial to be able to alert other drivers on the road. Activating your emergency hazard lights serves as a signal to fellow drivers, ensuring they provide adequate space. I recommend using hazard lights when facing difficulties, such as low visibility during heavy rain.

Heater (Front and Rear) — During cold weather, the windshield can quickly fog up, especially with multiple passengers in the car. Always be aware of how to activate the heater to clear fog. Note that this function is separate from the AC climate control.

Sun Visor — Familiarize yourself with adjusting the sun visor to shield against blinding sunlight, especially during sunrise or sunset. Consider wearing polarized sunglasses for added protection.

Activities to Perform:
In addition to basic driving, there are a few fundamental skills you should master to confidently navigate the road on your own.

  1. Filling Gas: Familiarize yourself with how to fill gasoline in your car, a crucial skill for driving in Washington State.
  2. Back-in Parking: Practice back-in parking, especially if you reside in the suburbs and street parking isn’t a necessity. This skill becomes even more accessible with rear-view cameras, making it a convenient and safe option.
  3. Check Tire Air Pressure: Regularly monitor tire air pressure, especially in cold weather. Driving with imbalanced tire pressure can be hazardous and even lead to tire bursts. Learn the proper procedure for checking and adjusting tire pressure.

When Stopped by the Police:

If you notice a police car following you with sirens on, it indicates they want you to stop. Follow these steps for a safe encounter:

  1. Stop on the Right Side: Pull over to the right side of the road promptly.
  2. Hands-on the Steering Wheel: Keep your hands on the steering wheel to make your actions visible to the officer.
  3. Stay in the Car: Do not exit the vehicle unless instructed to do so by the officer.
  4. Avoid Sudden Movements: Refrain from making sudden movements that could be perceived as a threat.
  5. Follow Officer’s Instructions: The officer will approach your vehicle and provide instructions. Comply with their directions calmly and respectfully.

Carry these things with you:

  1. Insurance: Always know the location of your car insurance in the vehicle. Whether it’s a printed sheet, a digital copy, or accessible through a mobile app, having this information readily available is crucial.
  2. Registration: Keep your car registration and yearly renewals in the car. These documents serve as proof of ownership.
  3. Polarized Sunglasses: Keep a pair of polarized sunglasses in your car. They prove particularly useful when the sun is on the horizon, directly shining into your eyes, enhancing visibility and reducing glare.
  4. Smartphone: A valuable tool for drivers, your smartphone can assist in navigation, finding the nearest gas station, accessing HOWTO videos in case of car issues, and even reaching out to friends for help. However, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and avoid distractions while driving. Use these features responsibly and only when it’s safe to do so.

Get Comfortable With:

  1. Driving Alone: While everyone begins with a tutor or a friend, gaining confidence in driving alone is crucial. Without someone to spot mistakes or provide guidance, navigating on your own fosters a different level of self-assurance.
  2. Driving on the Highway: Initially, you’ll practice driving on internal roads. However, as you transition to highway driving, you’ll discover that it’s often more straightforward and quicker. Embrace this experience to become comfortable with highway navigation and traffic dynamics.

