
content content everywhere

Hey, let me ask you what made you click on this content. Is it the title that made you do that? If yes, then I guess you are someone who is really interested in producing some beautiful lively content.

Then I think you are the right person to share my thought with. We all love to write and support great content. We all come to medium or some other content writing platform to showcase what we have and get better rewards and suggestions to improve right?

Well, we all start our journey highly charged and all set to produce the best content. But at some point, we may get stuck and often feel that our mind is washed out. This is the stage I am currently going through. I am stuck and feel like somebody had blocked my mind, can’t think of anything. Worried about not being able to produce any content or idea?

But when I started asking myself what to do? where to find some good content? I was told to look deeper into myself. Then I came to realize that there is content all around us but we need to fine-tune our minds to capture it.

Let me tell you how?

We all love to write content exploiting our imaginative side and it’s awesome, but sometimes we may force ourselves to be more and more imaginative, and this is where we get stuck. So at some point, it’s good to take a small beak from your innovative version and just look at the life you live. See how beautiful it is. we all undoubtedly agree that each person is different, and so do our thoughts and the situations that we encounter each day of our life with the lessons learned as each day passes by.

If you think everyone is different in their own way, then why don’t you think each person has unique content to deliver? The lesson learned by each one throughout their life could be helpful to another person.

Let’s see how it works.

Let’s say you are on the way back home after having a bad day at the office and on the way you saw an old man struggling to cross the road and you helped him. How would you feel about that? Maybe your little act could help you get over the bad day at your office. So you see if helping someone made your day then it may help some other person release their stress. Then why don’t you just narrate what happened on your way back home in the form of a story to spread the word about helping someone to help yourself? So you see we all come across something every day in our lives and if you feel something needs to be shared don’t hesitate to deliver it.

Do you know what is the best part of it? Here you are writing your own story. It’s not just something theoretical, but you are experiencing it. So I don’t think someone needs to spend time researching or brainstorming for writing that.

Who better explain the content than the creator?

If you are someone who has the habit of writing a diary, it looks even more relatable. Each day you are recording your story knowingly or unknowingly. Hey, you got a great chunk of content with you.

Each day of our life is filled with surprises. We don’t know what could happen the next day. Whether it could make you happy or sad. Whatever it is just turn it into beautiful content. Analyze each moment of your life I am sure there will be something valuable to share.

Speak out because there is someone who needs to hear it from you.



Ram Raju - https://www.studentscaninvest.com/

🙋 SEO content writer. I cook content that people loves and Google notices