Boost Yourself

2 min readMay 11, 2018


Believe in yourself to create a successful reality .Thinking positively doesn’t mean denying that there is anything wrong.Instead,give yourself sometime to think about the things that led up to your current situations we can avoid future mistakes and look toward a more positive tomorrow.

I haven't found any person who struggle with negative thinking but I did practice to boost my self confidence,self believe or changed my negativity into positivity by doing two activities like exercise or show kindness.These are such a grateful activities that helps me to remain happy ,healthy and by showing kindness we can feel inner satisfaction.

The first step towards positive thinking is that love yourself and only use positive words when talking.If you’re constantly telling yourself ‘’I can’t’’ you may convince yourself that’s the truth.Replace theses negative words with positive ones instead.Tell yourself you will do your best or that you will try your hardest instead and we should practice positive dialogues like ‘’I deserve to be happy’’ or ‘’I am worthy of love’’.Believing that these things are true and it will give a more positive outlook on life.

Keeping smile is the best way for positive thinking it helps you to connect with others and build a strong relationship with others and the other thing it is a mirroring attraction if you feel positive then your environment would be definitely positive.

That was really interesting activity for me in which I learned how can change our negative thinking into positive thinking and create positivity in an environment…

