‘’The Secret of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started’’- Mark Twain
The start is what stops most people
Have you ever been afraid of something? Something you’ve been unable to achieve in the past? Something you wanted to achieve a long time ago but the fear of failure and the sense of never being able to do, you never tried and started that goal. And this is what fear does, paralyzes many people into inaction and you start doubting your instincts and questioning your abilities. And you probably wondering why? Your own inaction breeds doubts and fears in you, you can’t achieve anything just by dreaming and thinking, you have to take action just by starting and this is how you will overcome your fears.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, then starting on the first one — Mark Twain
Most of the people panic about results, focusing on hurdles instead of looking for ways to avoid them. And that panic and fear stop them to just start. You should remember the word ‘’fear’’ is an acronym for ‘’False evidence appearing real ‘’— Neale Donald Walsch. The reason why it is false because it is based on speculation. How would you predict something without even started? Nothing is stopping you but your own prejudices on getting started. But another question after this is: how to start once you overcome your fears? what steps should be taken? Jacqueline Novogratz acumen founder and CEO said
Just start and let the work teach you.
Instead of sitting and waiting for the right moment why not simply start?Instead of waiting for the right moment why not create one by just getting started. You will automatically find ways to achieve it.
Next step after getting started is breaking your goals into small manageable tasks. These can be daily, weekly and monthly tasks. Splitting your goals into small tasks helps you to achieve faster. A large task can become overwhelming, it can be hard to get started and you’ll get distracted. On the other hand, small tasks help you to stay focus and see the results instantly. Big goals always have small beginnings. Identify your goal, break them into daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals with deadlines, it will help you stop procrastination and laziness.
Starting small and taking small steps is the most powerful and successful method to achieve your goal. There is significance in starting small
- Starting small requires less energy and time
- It helps you stay focus and motivated
- It increases your self-esteem and self-confidence
- It builds momentum in your life
- You come to know your strengths and weaknesses
- Easy to Achieve
The Great Doesn’t Happen Through Impulse Alone, and Is a Succession of Little Things That Are Brought Together — Vicent Van Gogh
Your success depends on your series of small steps and small success that comes along your path. Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey have not become successful overnight. Your small task and your little action will lead to your ultimate destination.