Real Time Projects Vs IEEE Projects

Ramya Panneerselvam
2 min readMay 10, 2018


IEEE stands for (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).IEEE is an organisation composed of Engineers,Scientists and students.It is best known for developing standards for computer and electronics industry.Generally the projects developed under IEEE standards are IEEE Projects.Nowadays students are recommended to do IEEE Projects.The research works done by phd scholars is usually based on IEEE standards.

The IEEE projects has special format to be followed and published in Journals.If the Projects meets the criteria of IEEE standards then automatically it could be published in some reputed journals.IEEE usually takes the research oriented topics as problem statement and find the solution for those problems and implement it using effective algorithms.

There are more number of companies that guides students in IEEE Projects in various disciplines.

Real Time Projects:

The real time projects produces real time services and comprises the components of IEEE standards.

For Example, Facebook is the real time web based application that has highly encrypted algorithm embedded in it.The URL of Facebook is as,where https indicates Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. The SSL works on encryption protocol produced accordingly to IEEE standards.

This article gives the outline of the difference between IEEE projects and real time projects.Always it is recommended that students focus on IEEE projects to maintain their standards and train their project skills accordingly.Even if real time projects are chosen it should have some high impact factor and very difficult to implement it.They should follow that the implementation meets the IEEE format.

