
6 min readJul 23, 2018


Bugzilla is an open-source tool used for issues and bugs tracking system. It is widely used as a bug-reporting tool for all types of testing functions. This tutorial introduces the readers to the basic features and usage of Bugzilla. This tutorial will guide the readers on how to utilize this tool in reporting and maintaining the bug status.

Bugzilla is an open-source tool used to track bugs and issues of a project or a software. It helps the developers and other stakeholders to keep track of outstanding problems with the product.

· It was written by Terry Weissman in TCL programming language in 1998.

· Later, Bugzilla was written in PERL and it uses the MYSQL database.

· Bugzilla can be used as a Test Management tool since it can be easily linked with other test case management tools like Quality Centre, ALM, Testlink, etc.

· Bugzilla provides a powerful, easy to use solution to configuration management and replication problems.

· It can dramatically increase the productivity and accountability of an individual by providing a documented workflow and positive feedback for good performance.

Most commercial and defect-tracking software vendors charged enormous licensing fees in the starting days of Bugzilla. As a result, Bugzilla quickly became a favorite among the open-source users, due to its genesis in the open-source browser project with Mozilla. It is now the most precious defect-tracking system against which all the others are measured.

Bugzilla puts the power in an individual’s hand to improve the value of business while providing a usable framework for natural attention to detail and knowledge store to flourish.

Bugzilla — Key Features

Bugzilla has many keys as well as advanced features, which makes it unique. Following is a list of some of Bugzilla’s most significant features −

· Bugzilla is powerful and it has advanced searching capabilities.

· Bugzilla supports user configurable email notifications whenever the bug status changes.

· Bugzilla displays the complete bug change history.

· Bugzilla provides inter bug dependency track and graphic representation.

· Bugzilla allows users to attach Bug supportive files and manage it.

· Bugzilla has integrated, product-based, granular security schema that makes it more secure.

· It has complete security audit and runs under the Perl’s taint mode.

· Bugzilla supports a robust, stable RDBMS (Rational Data Base Management System) back end.

· It supports Web, XML, E-Mail and console interfaces.

· Bugzilla has a wide range of customized, user preferences features.

· It supports localized web user interface.

· Extensive configurability as it allows to be configured with other test management tools for a better user experience.

· Bugzilla has a smooth upgrade pathway among different versions.

Bugzilla — Sample Web Application

· The Bugzilla installation requires several technical aspects to start with. A few websites provide the Bugzilla web application — Landfill: The Bugzilla Test Server is one of these. https://landfill.bugzilla.org/bugzilla-2.16.11/this is the testing and demonstration website.

· Note − Landfill is a home for test installations of the Bugzilla bug-tracking system. If you are evaluating Bugzilla, you can use them to try it. They are also useful if you are a developer and want to try to reproduce a bug that somebody has reported.

· Once you navigate to the above-mentioned URL, the Bugzilla home page will display as shown below −

Bugzilla — Login

To login into Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 − Click on the Log In link on the header of the homepage.

Step 2 − Enter the Email Address, Password and click on Log In

Step 3 − The user will be logged in successfully; the users can see their user id in the header section.

Step 4 − The user can see open bugs assigned to him, reported by him and requests addressed to him at the left bottom section.

Bugzilla — Logging a New Bug

The procedure of filling a new bug is quite simple and has been explained below.

Step 1 − Click on the ‘New’ link, present on the header or the footer or Click on the File a Bug button on the home page as shown in the following screenshot.

Step 2 − Now, select the product group in which the bug is noticed.

Step 3 − After selecting the Product, a form will appear where the user should enter the following details related to the bug −

  • Enter Product
  • Enter Component
  • Give Component description
  • Select version
  • Select severity
  • Select Hardware
  • Select OS
  • Enter Summary
  • Enter Description
  • Attach Attachment

Note − The above fields vary as per the customization of Bugzilla. The Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

Step 4 − Once the user starts typing in the Summary, Bugzilla filters the already logged in defects and displays the list to avoid duplicate bugs.

Step 5 − Click on the Submit Bug button to log the bug.

Step 6 − As soon as the user clicks on the Submit bug button, a Bug Id is generated with the details that of bug as that were entered.

Step 7 − The Deadline and the Status will be shown as depicted in the following screenshot.

A user can also add additional information to the assigned bug like URL, keywords, whiteboard, tags, etc. This extra-information is helpful to give more details about the Bug that is created.

  • Large text box
  • URL
  • Whiteboard
  • Keywords
  • Tags
  • Depends on
  • Blocks


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