Retrospection & Resolutions!!

Ramya Tanuja
2 min readJan 4, 2019


Now, I love writing out my life. Its fun to pen down what’ s cooking in mind and then eventually I get to think, which otherwise I never do. I just act.
2018 !! you were a brew. Sometimes like craft brew- strange yet flavorful, giving happy high and good memories. And Sometimes like a cup of tea- hot reviving brew- something I detest for the hotness and never understand why ppl have it. This concoction of hot n cold was something new about you. The end of an year is always peppered with retrospection and the beginning of the next demands resolution. Hence !! this post.

A recurring outcry was one of the highlights. One thing that stayed thick n thin with me and kept growing stronger was my anger bursts. They just never deserted me. No regrets too !! they helped me stay firm on my views.

My #100DaysOfWriting was an amazing thing I picked up. Though the pace is slow, the intention never faded and the beautiful meaning it shaped up in the process is something I am really proud of. Memories, good or bad when retold in words simply accentuates the emotions and I am thoroughly relishing every bit of it. Life is so beautiful. Why not taste it twice 😊

2018 added one more beautiful chapter to my life: . No matter what the day has been, those 50 min of fun filled workout simply resets the mood and takes out the shit of my life. Last 5 min of every session makes me celebrate my life like never before. Plus, I see the difference in my stamina and structure and that’s confidence boosting, bro !! [Abs coming very soon]

I was introduced to hope a decade ago and it still inspires me. I would never run of out it and I feel it in every pulse of my thoughts every time I write. With this flaming hope, I enter 2019.

Uhmm resolutions ? I quit smoking cold turkey

