“Oops…Sorry!” And “Yeah… Thanks!”

Ramya Vardhan
3 min readApr 21, 2016

‘Sorry’ and ‘Thanks’ are the two words used often by us in our daily life.

Couple of random examples strikes my mind,

1. A school going kid to his/her class teacher says ‘Sorry teacher! I am late to class’.

2. In a restaurant,Gentlemen says ‘Thank you’ to waiter, as token of help and respect.

There has always been a myth that, these two common words are always exchanged between relationships that is expected to be formal.

But, do you or can you agree to it?

Well! If you ask me, I was standing by it for a long time. But, lately I have a feeling that, it is really essential to convey your words of Sorry and Thanks to any close relation/friend of yours.

“Why do I have to say these words,if they are very close to me ? Is that not enough I realised my mistake? Is that not enough that I show my thankfulness in some other means?”

Yeah! we can do so. I am not saying you have to say thanks or sorry to your closed ones. But, it will be really better if words are conveyed.

Couple of situations strikes my mind.

  1. Imagine a case, when you are not sorry for what you have done. Let’s say, your mom is yelling at you for not cleaning your room and you are absolutely not worried of getting scolded again and again. But, at that time, when your mother keeps on yelling and if you just say “Maa..I am sorry!” , the merits of the words spoken are many. (1)Of course,Mom’s scolding eventually goes down, (2) Even though you are not sorry, the word received on other end, reduces the temper and gives a sense of relief to that situation, (3) After few minutes, when there is no yelling but some silence with the echoey words of regrets, the inner conscience, if true and if any, will prick you to correct your mistake. A way, I believe by which a positive mindedness is developed. A way, by which you get a chance to also understand the person on the other side and correct your mistake.
  2. Now, imagine this case, where in there was a huge fight between a husband and wife. Even though they live in same roof, they neither seem to eye each other nor exchange any words. At that time, as daily routine say the wife cooks breakfast and leaves it in the dining table while husband is about to dine for breakfast, if he just utters “Thank you!”, that word will really mean a lot. To me, I sense it as (1) Token of respect,despite the situations, (2) Invitation to start the conversation, may be that would become an invitation to start a new life together, (3) If also, not meant from heart, the person on the other side will eventually come down, no matter you really meant or not. But, again the inner conscience, if true and if any, will always make the situation better.

Hence, I feel that it is always better to share your thankfulness or regrets by some means, no matter it is your beloved ones or not.

After all, relationships are always better than zero penny worth ego.

For my part,

I now, say ‘Sorry, if my views are not invited by you’

and also ‘Thanks for reading my blog’!

Happy and ego less life! :)

