How making popcorn is my mindfulness activity


I ignored mindfulness articles for the longest time because I honestly cannot sit still with my thoughts for a whole five minutes.

As a chronic ruminator (living in the future) and regretter (living in the past), I knew that a core piece of self-care needed to bring me back to the present.

If this is you, stay with me, because I see you and you’re valid.

Mindfulness can be so much more.

Mindful thoughts vs. mindful activities

photo: JESHOOTS-com / pixabay

Whereas the stereotypical “mindfulness meditation” turns inward and shines a spotlight on your thoughts, mindfulness movement turns your attention to your sensory experience of the outer world.

The most common example people give is mindful eating, where you focus on the texture, flavour and aroma of the food. Contrast this from the experience stuffing down a bowl of popcorn while your primary focus is on the movie in front of you, and the flavours of the popcorn are really an afterthought.

This is how I leaned into mindfulness for something as ordinary as making popcorn.

Stovetop popcorn as mindfulness meditation



Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)
The Brain is a Noodle

Filling in the cracks on conflicting self improvement advice and translating how these can work for a more diverse audience ✨ Icon by: @jkbarts #WEOC writer.