What You Can Write About On Medium

A Roadmap for New Writers

4 min readSep 29, 2023


If you aspire to become a writer but feel unsure about What and How to write, there’s no need for anxiety. Writing demands only dedication, exploration, and, above all, your time.

Once you begin typing your first word, from that point on, it’s only a matter of dedicating your time.

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.”-Stephen King

If you are a beginner and need guidance, I might be of some help to you. What you should write about, be it on Medium or any other platform, entirely depends on you interest and the audience you wish to target.

Regardless of the category or genre of your story or article, it can typically be categorized into one of these three groups:

1- Topics you want to write about
2- Topics you have to write about
3- Currently Trending topics

1- Topics You Want To Write About

These are the subjects that resonate with your personal interests and experiences. These can include stories from your own life or articles about topics that genuinely captivate your interest.

When you start writing, your mind may become flooded with a multitude of ideas, making it challenging to pinpoint exactly what you should write about. To streamline your efforts and minimize potential frustration, I recommend starting with topics you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in.

It has numerous advantages, such as not requiring extensive research on subjects you’re already well-versed in. This, in turn, can boost your enthusiasm for writing.

On the contrary, if you opt for an entirely new topic and subject, you would have to conduct multiple research efforts. In the process, there is a high likelihood that you might find it both tiring and challenging. This, in turn, carries the risk of demotivation and abandonment of your writing project.

Photo from freepik.com

Even if you select a topic you’re passionate about but have limited knowledge of, it can still serve as a viable starting point. The key lies in the fact that there’s a reason you want to write about that particular topic. Perhaps in your mind, you possess a unique perspective or a creative approach to it, or you simply enjoy the process of exploring it.

“Write what you know: your own interests, feelings, beliefs, friends, family, even your pets. If you write about what you don’t know, make sure you research thoroughly.” — J.K. Rowling

2- Topics You Have To Write About

A writer isn’t always free to write solely based on their personal preferences. At times, they must write what others want to read or need to read about.

As you begin publishing your stories, you’ll likely notice that some of your articles or writings garner more attention than others. This serves as a valuable clue regarding what you should be writing.

Take the time to analyze your body of work and identify which of your articles resonated most with your audience. This process will help you discern the category or nature of your writing that holds the greatest appeal.

3- Currently Trending Topics

Writing content based on trending topics can be a highly effective strategy for success but can be a bit challenging, primarily due to the intense competition they attract.

These are mostly the topics that Skilled Writers frequently focus on, which means that if you choose to delve into them, you’ll be competing in a vast arena of talent.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to not only write but to do so with excellence. If your writing does not meet the high standards set by others in the field, there’s a significant risk that your work may go unnoticed, as if it never existed.

Regardless of the genre of your chosen topic, there’s one crucial trick you should always consider: the trick of consistency.

If you persist in writing, there will undoubtedly come a time when you will notice significant improvement.

Photo from Pinterest

The worst thing you write is better than the best thing you didn’t write

“You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it.” — Octavia E. Butler

Photo from Pinterest

Below is a list of several writing ideas:

1- Share Your Favorite Recipes
2- Exploring Art Forms like Painting and Origami
3- Discuss Books You’ve Read
4- Share Your Travelling Experience
5- Delve Into Insights On Any Virus Or Disease
6- Valuable Skincare Tips
7- Provide Products Recommendations
8- Observe Climate Changes
9- Reflect On The Lessons Life Have Taught You
10- Engage in Entertainment, Be it Movies, Shows, or Songs
11-Glimpse Into Your Daily Life through Vlogs

I’ve provided you with just a few ideas, but you can discover even more fresh ideas by exploring and focusing your thoughts.




I take pleasure in writing and I aim to ensure that my readers also find enjoyment in my work. Let's stay in touch. https://medium.com/@ranaaleeza1/subscribe