An ultimate guide on Painting 2023- Painting a Room Made Fast, Fun, and Fulfilling!

3 min readJul 24, 2023



In this quick tutorial, we will present you the steps you need to take, if you are gathering the courage to take on painting of your apartment. Here’s your easy-to-follow, paint-by-numbers guide:

Clear the Room: Before you start painting, remove furniture and other items from the room or cover them with drop cloths to protect them from paint splatters.

Prep the Surfaces: Check for any holes, cracks, or imperfections on the walls. Fill them with spackling paste and sand the surface smooth. Use painter’s tape to protect baseboards, windows, and other trim.

Prime the Walls (Optional): If you’re painting over dark or uneven colors, priming the walls can help achieve a better paint finish. This step is especially essential when using lighter shades.

Start Painting: Begin by cutting in the edges with a brush around the corners, edges, and ceiling. Then, use a roller to cover the rest of the wall. Work in small sections to maintain a wet edge for a seamless finish.

Apply Additional Coats: Depending on the color and type of paint, you may need to apply two or more coats for complete coverage. Allow each coat to dry before adding the next.

Finishing Touches: Once the paint is dry, remove the painter’s tape carefully. Check for any touch-ups needed and make sure the paint is evenly applied. Inspect the room for any imperfections or missed spots. Touch up areas that need attention, and then proceed with cleaning up your painting tools. Allow an extra 30 minutes to an hour for touch-ups and clean up.


Want to speed up the painting process even more? Firstly you must plan and calculate the average time it takes to complete a painting job. Here are some handy tips to help you paint like a pro:

Opt for One-Coat Paint: Choose high-quality, one-coat paints to save time and effort. These paints offer excellent coverage, meaning you may not need as many coats.

Use the Right Tools: Invest in good-quality paintbrushes and rollers to ensure smooth and efficient application.

Work in Pairs: Enlist the help of a friend or family member for larger rooms. Working together can significantly cut down on painting time.

Take Short Breaks: Painting can be physically demanding. Take short breaks to rest your arms and avoid burnout.


The difference between a dream and reality is courage — courage to take the first step. With all factors considered, you now have a reliable estimate of the time it will take to paint your room. Embrace your DIY spirit, and turn your space into a masterpiece!

Dive into a world of boundless creativity, where you hold the brush of possibility. Unleash your imagination, and watch your home come alive with your dreams and aspirations. Each stroke reflects the essence of your uniqueness, turning a mere space into a reflection of your heart and soul.

Whether you choose to paint on your own or call in the pros, remember that with proper planning and creativity, you can achieve a beautifully painted room that reflects your unique style and taste. Happy painting, and enjoy your transformed space!

