30-Day Weight Loss Challenge

2 min readJun 17, 2022


A 30-day weight loss challenge can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Not only will you drop some pounds and inch off your waistline, but you’ll also gain the valuable life skills of discipline and organization to keep those pounds off in the future. Find out what 30-day weight loss challenges are all about and how you can use them to improve your diet and fitness routine in this helpful guide!30-Day Weight Loss Challenge

Day 1

Do Cardio, Every Day: If you’re trying to lose weight, your number one priority is eating less and exercising more. And if you want to do cardio — whether it’s running or cycling — you should be doing it every day. As far as cardio goes, doing it in short intervals like 5 minutes at a time where you work as hard as possible can build endurance, so even though you are working out for only five minutes a few times a week, it will still have an impact on your stamina and endurance over time. The best way to start incorporating interval training into your exercise routine is by using Tabata Protocol. Tabata Protocol involves 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated eight times. This protocol was named after Dr. Izumi Tabata who discovered that it takes about six weeks to increase your aerobic capacity with these types of workouts. It may sound too easy but after about two weeks you’ll be surprised how much harder it gets!

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