Rand M. Eller
1 min readJan 25, 2017


David — I think you may have misinterpreted my comment. I was quoting Holly Wood’s article which stated “America forces our garbage ideas on the world” and also stated that (paraphrasing now) people in Bhutan buy copies of “Friends” (on DVD) from India because they like watching this show. I was trying to use Holly’s own example (Bhutanese) to point out the weakness of her statement that “America forces…”. I was not in any way trying to make a point about communism or dictators being good or democracy being bad. In fact, my firm belief is the opposite. Hope that clears up your misunderstanding.



Rand M. Eller

Rand Eller is retired from a career in Healthcare and IT. He spends most of his time at home with his dog, Abby, and cat, Sissy, working on an historical novel.