What I know about Paul…so far

Randall Beeson
2 min readAug 26, 2021


What I know about Paul comes from studying the bible and listening to other preachers and scholars on youtube. I know that his name use to be Saul when he was a Pharisee and he was tasked to find Christians and bring them in for judgement in front of the Sanhedrin. He met Jesus on the road to Damascus which began his conversion to be what would later become a Christian. He planted many churches. Early in the Christian church there was alot of confusion on how this new belief would fit into the Jews life and how that would look. They continued to go to synagogues and Paul and other disciples of Jesus preached Christ. I know that since Paul was a Pharisee he must have known the scriptures very well and even had them memorized. I know he was a tent maker according to scripture and that he is attributed to writing 13 books of the NT. He was also a roman citizen as well as a Jew.

Im curious to know what I don’t know about Paul and what scholars “agree” is in accurate about what I do know. There seems to be some debate on what letters Paul actually wrote and ones he didn’t. Im looking forward to the discussion aspect of this course. I love talking and debating, respectfully of course. As far as the syllabus goes, I was confused on what was ment by “hate speech”. There are things I don’t agree with in society and things I believe should not be pushed upon me but I don’t believe there is such a thing as hate speech, just speech people hate.

I would like to believe I’m a deep learner but at times have been a strategic learner when it comes to courses I had to take that I had no interest in. As I have said before, I love learning and discussing things with people. I like hearing the “other side” of the story so to speak even if it is uncomfortable.

Saul, before he changed his name to Paul, holding the coats of others while they stoned Stephen who was a deacon in the newly forming Christian church.


