Marc Randazza about free speech rights today on Infowars

Marc Randazza
4 min readJul 17, 2018


Marc Randazza on InfoWars

In May, Marc Randazza, the managing partner of Randazza Legal Group, appeared on InfoWars pretty often to discuss recent news and stories that made a buzz in Hollywood and across the US.

Randazza discussed the First Amendment and the rights of Americans to express their views and beliefs. He spoke about celebrities, journalists, huge media corporations, and the common people as well.

To watch the full set of interviews, please visit Marc’s official YouTube channel.

In the first interview, Randazza Legal Group head and host Alex Jones discussed how censorship is influencing the marketplace of ideas. The First Amendment attorney emphasized that freedom of expression should not be limited by whatever makes other people uncomfortable.

Then, Randazza and Jones discussed several well-known free speech lawsuits and the recent charges against Alex Jones.

Marc Randazza notes that recently numerous lawsuits have been filed against people expressing controversial opinions. He notes, “What you can do is continue to educate people on what the First Amendment is because I’ve just been delighted over the past few years at how much more awareness there is now about First Amendment rights…”

Randazza also discusses how huge media platforms that censor the free speech rights of their users.

“You see this with people on the right being systematically ‘no platformed’, not just from media sites, but from YouTube, from Facebook, from Twitter, and now from PayPal and Stripe. If any company decides that it doesn’t like the kind of thing you have to say, then you are off.”

In another interview, Marc discussed hate speech laws around the world with host Alex Jones, particularly in countries that do not have robust protections for free speech. Marc talked about recent political lawsuits and referenced one of his articles on CNN where Marc analyzed the hate speech charges brought against a Scottish comedian who trained his girlfriend’s pug to do a “Nazi-salute” as a joke, and is now facing up to one year in prison.

On May 11th, Randazza Legal Group managing partner discussed the influence of media giants on free speech with host Owen Shroyer. He fears that free speech rights are under attack by private corporations in America and are becoming not just a legal, but a cultural issue as well.

“Google’s way of expressing its results are First Amendment protected. I have a little bit of a problem with that because it’s essentially giving a computer program First Amendment rights and I’m not ready to give ourselves over to artificial intelligence having the same rights that I have…”

“When you hear speech that makes you want to choke, that is the exact moment when your instincts should compel you to stand up to protect it no matter how vile or no matter how awful it is. That’s what this country is about and if you lay that aside because your tribe doesn’t like that speech, you’re a traitor to the Constitution. ”

On May 25th, Marc Randazza and host Alex Jones talked about high-profile sexual harassment cases in the news. After the Harvey Weinstein arrest, talking openly about the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment in Hollywood is important.

They talked about several cases that involve celebrities, including Morgan Freeman. Marc notes that flirting cannot be compared to sexual assault, which is an act of violence or rape.

Marc also criticized the current culture of victimhood, by hyperbolizing, “One day in the future, there will be the uber-victim: it will be one victim, to rule over all of them. There will be a black lesbian in a wheelchair with an eye patch and every single possible victimization and she will rule…It’s a dystopian fairy tale.”

On May 29th, Marc Randazza joined Info Wars once again and compared freedom of expression in the US to the laws in the UK.

“Here we do have the First Amendment to balance against the Sixth Amendment. But it’s a really a heavy burden because in a democratic society, you can’t have fair courts, you can’t have a fair trial, you can’t have a fair justice system unless, you know, as a judge I was before in Nevada one time said in a case: ‘The best way to show the people that your court system is fair and just is to tell them to come and see for yourself.’”

“Free speech is a different thing than the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects your right to free speech from interference by the government. Free speech is larger than that. But, you know, as Americans, I think there ought to be a higher regard for freedom of expression, there should be more latitude for it. It shouldn’t be a minefield that if Roseanne steps on it with a stupid tweet, that means the end of some show because this network has to be so clear to make sure that it signals to everybody how virtuous it is…“

Also, Mr. Randazza shared his opinions on the matter that happened in Starbucks in April regarding the two black men who were arrested at Starbucks. Now that the case has settled, Starbucks is using it as a teachable moment for their employees, by organizing a racial-bias training.

“That’s the problem! We are all just dividing into tribes instead of having free speech being our tribe and then saying we can differ on policy, we can differ on race theories, we can differ on gender theories…”

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Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza is the managing partner of the Randazza Legal Group and Las Vegas First Amendment attorney, writer on CNN.