31 Days of Shocktober Drabbles: Deep End of the Pool

Randee Dawn
1 min readOct 11, 2019


Photo by Randee Dawn

“Mommy! It’s Arthur!” Joe pointed out the sliding glass door at our above-ground pool, still covered in its winter tarp.

“Honey, it can’t be.” The canvas billowed up over the pool — and the fiberglass side shuddered.

Wind, I decided. Last fall I’d told Joe fish grow to fit their homes, so he’d “liberated” the mystery creature he’d won at the fair. I hadn’t the heart to inform him that fish can’t breathe pool chemicals.

The fiberglass rippled again, leaving a dent. A corner of the tarp lifted, revealing a stiletto-length tooth. A teacup saucer-sized eye gazed at Joe.

And winked.

Day 11 of 31: 100-word Drabbles.

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