31 Days of Shocktober Drabbles: Release and Catch

Randee Dawn
1 min readOct 3, 2019


Volterra, Italy (Photo by Randee Dawn)

Bettina next door feeds feral cats. “ASPCA snips ’em, drops ’em off,” she says. “Catch and release.”

Meanwhile, the intact ones attack my garden. I throw orange peels, coffee grounds to ward them off. They move to the porch.

Max is useless. He barks once at a black-and-white, then turns tail. “Pathetic,” I hiss.

Yesterday, five more glowered at our front door. I force Max out. He’s still gone.

Now I count twelve ferals. A giant orange tom wears a slash of red paint across his mouth like lipstick. Or blood.

I don’t think I’ll go out today.

Maybe tomorrow.

Day 3 of 31: 100-word Drabbles.

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