Build A Simple Machine Learning Python Program

Towards Data Analytics


Program Your Own Machine Learning Model

We are going to create a simple machine learning program (the model) using the programming language called Python and a supervised learning algorithm called Linear Regression from the sklearn library (A.K.A scikit-learn). We will create a training data set of pseudo-random integers as input by using the Python library Random, and create our own function for the training data set output using those random integer values as input. Then we will train our model on the newly created data set and finally test our model with one example to see how well our model performed to predict/ give the expected output.

Step 0: Install Python Version 3

Step 1: Install Scikit-Learn

First we need to install our dependency, the Python library scikit-learn (sklearn) which is a free software machine learning library for the Python Programming Language. The random library is part of the python standard…

