Huzzah! Spotify tells me what I’ve been listening to in 2017

Bárbara’s Brussels Blog
2 min readDec 5, 2017


Been looking forward to Spotify’s round-up of my Top Songs 2017 LITERALLY ALL YEAR— and they have not disappointed, giving away some juicy extra facts about listening habits on their website 2017 wrapped.

56,792 sounds like a lot of minutes, although I definitely have been listening to more music at work (less at home though, due to my podcast addiction…).

I am somewhat surprised by my Top Artists — apart from The Horrors, who I have been listening to obsessively since the release of V…

Also bemused by my top genres — I like to think my music taste had evolved beyond “indie and electro”, but it seems not…

Holy crap, that’s a lot of artists and genres — although Every Noise at Once lists around 1520…

And am now blissfully listening to my Top Songs 2017 — wish they did one of these every month.

Surprised at the balance between old and new

I resisted Spotify for so long, and while there are still flaws (WHEN IN THE BLOODY HELL CAN WE GET RID OF VARIOUS ARTISTS), it is a phenomenal resource that I would happily pay double for (if I could get a larger library that is)….

What does your 2017 wrapped look like?


