Voyager 1 is back!

3 min readJun 15, 2024


### Voyager 1: NASA’s Resilient Explorer Returns to Full Operation

In a remarkable feat of engineering and perseverance, NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft has overcome a technical glitch and is once again fully operational. This is a moment of triumph for the team of scientists and engineers who have been dedicated to this mission for over four decades.

#### The Technical Glitch and Its Resolution

The trouble began in November 2023 when Voyager 1, the farthest human-made object from Earth, started sending back garbled data. Instead of the usual binary code of 0s and 1s, mission control received unintelligible signals. Given the spacecraft’s venerable age of 46 years and its position in the uncharted territory of interstellar space, this issue, though concerning, was not entirely unexpected.

The problem was traced to the flight data subsystem (FDS), which is responsible for packaging data to be sent back to Earth. After meticulous investigation, the team pinpointed the malfunctioning chip within the FDS. Ingeniously, they managed to relocate the software code to a different part of the FDS, enabling Voyager 1 to resume sending intelligible data.

By April 20, 2024, two of the spacecraft’s four science instruments were back online. Now, two months later, all four instruments are fully functional, marking a complete recovery for Voyager 1.

#### A Journey of Remarkable Achievements

Launched in 1977, Voyager 1’s initial mission was to explore Jupiter and Saturn. By 1980, it had accomplished this goal, sending back invaluable data and stunning images of these giant planets. Its twin, Voyager 2, continued to explore Uranus and Neptune, expanding our understanding of the outer solar system.

Voyager 1’s mission didn’t end there. In 2012, it crossed into interstellar space, a region beyond the influence of our Sun, providing unprecedented insights into this mysterious expanse. Despite its vast distance of approximately 15 billion miles (24 billion kilometers) from Earth, Voyager 1 has continued to send back crucial scientific data, enriching our knowledge of the cosmos.

#### Ensuring Longevity and Continued Exploration

Now that Voyager 1 is back online, the team is not resting on their laurels. They are working diligently to further stabilize the spacecraft. This includes resynchronizing its timekeeping software, ensuring it can execute commands precisely when needed, and maintaining its digital tape recorder, which is vital for measuring plasma waves.

The resilience of Voyager 1 and the ingenuity of its team reflect the enduring spirit of space exploration. Even if Voyager 1 had gone silent forever, its mission would have already been a resounding success. Yet, its continued operation opens new doors for discovery and scientific advancement.

#### Looking Ahead

As Voyager 1 continues its journey through interstellar space, it symbolizes human curiosity and the quest for knowledge. The data it sends back helps us understand not only the space beyond our solar system but also the very nature of our universe.

With the spacecraft’s systems back in working order, NASA’s Voyager 1 is poised to keep exploring the unknown, pushing the boundaries of what we know and inspiring future generations of explorers and scientists.

In the vastness of space, where countless unknowns await, Voyager 1 remains a beacon of human achievement and a testament to our unyielding pursuit of discovery.

