Leading indicators that something is wrongI pay very close attention to three leading indicators that something is wrong. They are: sleep, food, and exercise. Sleep is almost always…Sep 5, 2018Sep 5, 2018
A valuable skillWe humans like our things just so. We like familiar and safe settings, so it stands to reason that we are incentivized to create work…Sep 2, 20181Sep 2, 20181
How to FortniteHi. I hear you’re interested in playing Fortnite. Sweet. I think it’s a bunch of fun. I am going to only talk about the Battle Royale 100…Mar 30, 20182Mar 30, 20182
Published inStartups & Venture CapitalYour Culture is RottingWhoever came up with the name “Human Resources” deserves a medal. Such a descriptive, helpful, and seemingly useful name. Why yes, I’m…Sep 16, 20175Sep 16, 20175
Published inApplaudienceI will now BLOW YOUR MIND regarding Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest HotelWes Anderson has, in my opinion, been consistently producing the most visual interesting movies for the past two decades. Populated with…Sep 4, 20174Sep 4, 20174
Do Not InterruptI’m currently getting two to three spam calls a day on my personal iPhone. This is with Robokiller a subscription based iPhone app that I’m…Sep 4, 20171Sep 4, 20171
The New Manager Death SpiralThe starting gun fires and when the starting gun fires, you run. You’re a new manager, and while the sound of gun firing is startling, you…Mar 6, 20172Mar 6, 20172
Leadership Comes From EverywhereFor years I’ve been working on structuring an interview for assessing leadership. How do you figure out if someone has leadership skills in…Feb 12, 20173Feb 12, 20173
Someone is Coming to Eat YouOne of my favorite Apple product announcements happened on September 7, 2005. In an Apple music event announcement, Steve Jobs got on…Nov 13, 20161Nov 13, 20161