I Live In The Mind Of God & Eternity Has Already Happened

Randy Elassal
6 min readJul 3, 2023


“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” -Isaiah 55:8

My Vision of God

This is my vision of creation and the being who invented it. It was born of faith, study and contemplation. And though parts may sound like scientific theory, they are theological conclusions.

In the beginning, before you existed. Before a single particle of matter. Even before possible bangs, big or otherwise. When there was no time or space. No points A to B. No today or tomorrow. Before anything, there was everything, and it all existed in one being, God. There was no “over here” where God lived, and an “over there” where He planned on creating us.

The Bible describes creation happening step by step, and from the perspective of the Angels who shouted for joy when they saw it, it did. Since His thoughts have always been complete, the Cosmos may be eternal. There’s no room for Him to learn or develop. And His mind is what we live in. He’s not a force or cosmic inevitability. God is humanity’s word for the ultimate truth we wrestle with and fail to overcome.

Johannes Kepler said that “Science is the process of thinking God’s thoughts after Him.” Throughout history we’ve had logical explanations for our Creator. Aristotle had his Unmoved Mover. Thomas Aquinas his “Five Ways.” Let me share with you my understanding of God’s character and how reality was made.

“For God, to do something, is as easy as not to.” -A Wise Saying

Theory of Everything

1. God created all things within Himself. He’s more than a Cosmic Deity. He is the cosmos. All things are ultimately made of His thoughts and sustained by Him. Time and space are constructs He thinks into our reality as an organizational principle. They are like plot devices used to further a story. One in which the writer takes part and interacts with his characters.

2. God decided and experienced all creation events in an instant, and this was equivalent to them happening. He invented time, space and eternity for us, not for Himself. He doesn’t just know the future. He is the future, the past, and the present. He is all things. He is the Great I AM.

3. God made dimensions in which we experience a linear life. The sun rises and sets, and the world turns. Our days have the same hours and our bodies have instinctive rhythms to match. We live life one second, one step at a time in the small space we occupy.

God’s Story

We’re like characters in God’s book and creation is a story He wrote all at once. Imagine a novel that has no end, and the unlimited pages already filled. They stretch out into eternity for anyone living them one at a time. For God, even what exists in the mists of forever, unformed and unknown to us is already finished. But how could anyone experience a never-ending future? How can something end without an ending?

One way of bringing this concept down to Earth is television. If a show is abruptly cancelled, we’ll never know the rest of the story. Characters we’ve grown fond of and their world just cease to exist. Yet somewhere there was a script written for the next episode or season. The writers know what happened.

Now imagine the story was created by an advanced being whose thoughts were more powerful than any holodeck on Star Trek, and for whom just deciding a world should exist was equal to creating it. This being made characters that were sentient and whose world not only seemed real, but was.

In his powerful mind, the story has already happened millions of years into the future. His characters made their choices and did so freely, without coercion. By whatever definitions he summed up their lives, sentience, free will and growth, these creatures experienced reality as the present. And their maker could visit any single point in their timeline.

“Until God’s Word becomes a Picture that you can see, it cannot become a reality in which you can feature.” -Benjamin A. Suulola

God vs Fiction

Unlike this fantasy super-being, our Creator exists in all moments, in time and outside it. The functional you only exists in the present. But outside of these constructs, not outside of God, it’s different. God is unbound by the mechanics of his own making. He IS everywhere, and everywhen. All things are made of His thoughts, but not His being.

Time and space are functions placed into our dimension. They make our kind of life possible as God stretches everything out. Time isn’t something to access, but a force exerted on reality. It’s a thread weaved between matter that allows for the impression of moments passing.

This is no illusion or hologram. Instead, the rules of reality are written into a substrate beneath all physical or metaphysical layers, allowing time and space to emanate into our universe. If God turned it off, we’d all shrink into a single point. No more seconds or movement. Thankfully, He never will.

Though all events in our “forever” have happened, God stages and curates reality. He lives here with us. Outside of creation, everything that would ever happen did so in a flash. Future me exists, with no less substance than I do today, I can’t access him like in a Sci-Fi film through a wormhole. I can’t alter my destiny.

We keep looking for something beyond what’s seen that will allow our math to come together. A presentation layer of data programming. The instructions beneath our user interface. We sense a cosmic umbilical cord feeding what was born but aren’t mature enough to grasp it.

The science of physics presupposes that however time and space exist, they do so in a very complex and advanced machine based on cause and effect which involves compression, expansion, the acrobatics of gravity and other forces. Taking God out of the equation leaves gaps that can never be filled. The grand unified theory of everything is missing its most important part.

Deity is God’s domain alone, and the first prerequisite to claim it is to have no beginning and no end, nor have been made or ever changed in essential character, form or substance. From a Christian perspective, the eternal God manifests Himself as The Trinity. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the bridge between the uncreated God and His creation. He is where my cosmology jumps from the page. Deity enfleshed in humanity and offering the way for us to know Him intimately, without fear or shame.

For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. -Acts 17:28



Randy Elassal

I love reading about every topic imaginable and sharing my ideas, especially about God and all things existential.