Randy Seabrook
2 min readFeb 21, 2018


I agree with you Zak. I would also include the current life experiences that may be going really well like economic success or being at the top of your game. We want the wonderful things to go on forever. But everything must change, even us. I believe in the circle of life. That Death is just the gateway to the cycle of rebirth. I don’t want to break the Circle. I want to return to the Source and be reborn like the trees, flowers, grass,and all living things on this planet. I think the Fear that we all carry about the end of Life is what fuels all of this immortality craziness. I have thought about what my Fear is and discovered that it is the Fear of pain that scares me. My curiosity about the Afterlife makes me not really fearful about moving on. I am praying for a merciful transition when it is my time. I also feared causing psychological pain for my loved ones because of possibly not loving them enough to show up for them as my Authentic Self, of not opening myself to them and letting them know me. So I have been very deliberate about really being present for them and having real conversations about things that matter. I don’t want there to be anything left unsaid. I don’t want to leave them with any regrets about our relationship. I want them to remember that we loved each other and it was more than enough. WOW! I guess I really needed to talk about this today. I hope I didn’t freak you out! My kids( adults really- they are 28 and 30! LOL!) hate when I talk like this. But I just remembered that my Grandmother did this all the time. She talked about her death as if it was a natural thing. She told me exactly what she wanted and joked about wanting to be a chubby, good looking corpse as opposed to a dried up ,haggard one. She wanted her mourners to see that she had lived a good life and was happy to move on. This may sound a little crazy but she was the Best Grandmother any kid could have. I guess maybe that’s why I feel the way I do. ❤️😊



Randy Seabrook

Discovering pieces of myself in words, memories, rants,and giggles!