React Classes

Manish from JustAcademy
2 min readMay 2, 2024


React Classes

React Classes

In React, classes are used to define components that manage their own state and lifecycle methods. Components are defined as ES6 classes that extend the React.Component class, allowing them to access React-specific features like state, lifecycle methods (e.g., componentDidMount, render), and event handling. Through classes, developers can create reusable components with encapsulated logic and state management, enabling a more robust and modular approach to building dynamic user interfaces. However, with the introduction of functional components and hooks in recent versions of React, classes have become less commonly used in favor of these more lightweight and flexible alternatives.

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1 — React classes are a way to create components in React by using ES6 classes syntax.

2) They allow for creating reusable and modular components in React applications.

3) React classes have a constructor method where you can initialize component state and bind methods.

4) You can define component lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc., in React classes.

5) React classes provide a clear and organized way of structuring complex components.

6) They support the use of state and props to manage data and pass it between components.

7) React classes allow for easy separation of concerns by breaking down the UI into smaller components.

8) They enable the use of component composition and inheritance to build more complex UI structures.

9) React classes make it easier to implement advanced features like event handling and conditional rendering.

10) Learning React classes is essential for building scalable and maintainable React applications.

11) Offering a training program on React classes can help students understand the core concepts of React component creation and management.

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