Rane Pakiz
1 min readApr 25, 2017


I have a strong suspicion that a) you could really benefit from taking a Xanax, b) that you would be better off not getting so passionate about things that really don’t affect you at all — the self-congratulatory verbal masturbation is off-putting, and c) very few people whom you consider to be your friends ACTUALLY like you. You, possessing the smugness inherent in any person capable of writing such a condescending piece, will look down on me for stating what is so obvious to the rest of us, so you’ll ignore me or mock me (mad bro? #triggered? Of course people are “triggered”, you’re being a dick), but you certainly won’t consider that I’ve hit the nail on the head, and so you’ll miss an opportunity to reassess how you present yourself to the world, instead continuing to repel everyone who comes into contact with you. Sucks to be you, nerd.

I only use one space between sentences too, btw…

