Html And Css Full Course

Pooja from JustAcademy
3 min readMar 22, 2024


Html And Css Full Course

Html And Css Full Course


HTML and CSS are two fundamental building blocks of web development. HTML is used for creating the structure and content of a web page, while CSS is used for styling and designing the webpage. This full course on HTML and CSS will teach you everything you need to know to create and design beautiful and functional websites. You will learn how to code using HTML and CSS, as well as best practices and advanced techniques. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge to create professional-looking web pages and websites. So, if you are interested in web development, this course is the perfect place to start!

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  • Introduction to HTML and CSS: This section will cover the basics of HTML and CSS, including their role in web development, syntax, and how they work together to create the structure and style of a webpage.
  • HTML Tags and Elements: Students will learn about the various tags and elements in HTML, and how to use them to create content such as headings, paragraphs, lists, images, and links.
  • CSS Properties and Selectors: This section will focus on the different properties and selectors in CSS, teaching students how to change fonts, colors, layout, and other styling aspects of a webpage.
  • Box Model and Layout: The box model is a fundamental concept in CSS, and students will learn how to use it to control the size, position, and spacing of elements on a webpage. This section will also cover different layout techniques such as flexbox and grid.
  • Styling Text and Images: Students will learn how to style text using CSS, including adding different font types, sizes, colors, and effects. They will also learn how to use CSS to add style to images, such as borders and filters.
  • Designing Responsive Websites: In today’s digital age, it is crucial for web developers to design websites that are responsive and work well on different devices. This section will cover the principles of responsive design and teach students how to create responsive websites using HTML and CSS.
  • Advanced Techniques: This section will cover more advanced techniques in HTML and CSS, such as creating forms and tables, using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, and adding animations and transitions to a webpage.
  • Hands-on Projects: Throughout the course, students will work on hands-on projects to apply their knowledge of HTML and CSS. These projects will range from creating a simple webpage to designing a fully responsive website, providing students with practical experience and portfolio pieces to showcase their skills.

Overall, this comprehensive course on HTML and CSS will equip students with the necessary skills to create visually appealing and responsive websites that meet modern design standards. It is suitable for beginners with no prior experience in web development, as well as those looking to refresh their knowledge and learn the latest techniques in HTML and CSS.

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This information is sourced from JustAcademy

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