RANFATARBeyond the Basics: My learning About Excel From Praticum College LabsI embarked on my college journey in 2016 and proudly graduated in 2021. Looking back, I used to think that praticum was a real irritating…Jul 14Jul 14
RANFATARFrom Panic to Proficiency : My Journey as a Purchasing with the SystemIn mid 2022, I felt panicked and confused because warehouse head resigned unexpectedly. My manager assigned me to handle purchasing and…Jul 13Jul 13
RANFATARFormula Excel ‘sumproduct’ Is Faster Than Formula ‘sum’The excel formula ‘sum’ is a basic formula and I often use it to make stock reports, costs and other things related to products. Just using…Jun 27Jun 27
RANFATARUtilizing the Excel CEILING Function: Optimizing Discount Promotions for Cosmetic Products in…One effective strategy to increase sales of products in supermarkets is through holding product discount promotions. This promotion is…Jun 26Jun 26
RANFATARRasio Keuangan Untuk Analisis Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi SahamWalaupun bukan konsultan/ahli keuangan, jika ingin terjun ke pasar modal/ investasi saham, mau ga mau harus memahami rasio keuangan.Jun 8Jun 8
RANFATARPurchasing VS ProcurementKesalahan umum dibidang pengadaan barang. Purchasing VS Procurement kalau diartikan dalam baha inggris artinya sama yaitu pembelian.May 21May 21
RANFATAREfek Boikot di Perdagangan Retail Modern Trade(Supermarket)/ Pasar Tradisional.Apa kabar dengan produk yang boikot di setiap daerah/kota? Sudah mulai hilang, ya? Bagaimana keadaan Modern Trade/Pasar Tradisional terkait…Jan 23Jan 23
RANFATARExcel FormulasExcel is very important. It is a system and a set of tools to analyze anything. You can control, monitor, evaluate, and report data with…Jan 10Jan 10